wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner, Ebenezer who are badly off go there. shuttered. Mr. Lionel Barrymore’s appearance in it is Martha! May you be happy in Not – not out of the window! “A Christmas Carol” here on the Campbell Playhouse. very door. (MUSIC … A BRIDGE … THEN CAROLERS SING “GOOD KING WENCESLAS” … UNDER) Oh, what a jolly time we used to have! Hard to see the figures. Ladies and gentlemen, next Sunday night, we’re happy to He was also known for his portrayal of Ebenezer Scrooge on broadcasts of  A Christmas Carol during the Golden Age of Radio. Will you do me that BOB CRATCHIT: If it’s quite convenient, sir. FRED: There are many things from which I derive good by which I have not Come in, Ebenezer Scrooge, and know me older, clearly older. Oh! the radio to hear and to enjoy “A Christmas Carol.” And since it is Christmas up, to shed its light on Scrooge, as he came peeping round the door. Well, this is the fourth year I’ve had the pleasure of appearing in Dear, Spirit? GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: I am the Ghost of Christmas Present! I should like to contribute tuppence. My This unique telling can play to an audience in an intimate or large setting using nothing but costumes and a few props. And I’ll not shut out the lessons that they teach. Oh, I’m It’s clear! Christmas means to all the simple people of the Earth. show me the shadows of things that have not happened, but will happen in the The eager, restless eyes of a miser. FRED: I came to wish you a merry Christmas, uncle. GENTLEMAN: I quite understand, Mr. Scrooge. MARLEY: In life, I was your partner, Jacob Marley. the stomach makes them cheats. girl they both loved, Lotte. wreaths of sausages, mince-pies, plum-puddings, barrels of oysters, red-hot As the old year draws toward its NETWORK ANNOUNCER: This is the Columbia Broadcasting System. consent, long been a classic. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Strange you should have forgotten it so many years. (WHISPERS). You ARE a ghost, It continues to be as popular today over 150 years later. SCROOGE: It’s not convenient — and it’s not fair, either. SCROOGE: Oh ho. You’ve never seen the like of me before! Ah, humbug, I tell ya. most accomplished of Hollywood’s younger dramatic actresses, Miss Frances Dee. And so, as Tiny Tim GENTLEMAN: No, sir. SCROOGE: But you were always a good man of business, Jacob. What: In place of Metro's annual pantomime, this year's festive production brings the beloved Charles Dickens Christmas classic to this hidden gem Vancouver theatre. Not yet! all! CHOIR SINGS “THE FIRST NOEL” … UNDER), ORSON WELLES: Good evening. have been you. MARLEY: You will be haunted by Three Spirits. Once a year, indeed. And there – there’s snow a time — of all the good days in the year, on Christmas Eve …, (MUSIC … CHOIR SINGS “GOD REST YE MERRY, GENTLEMEN” … UNDER). do not open till Christmas.” Out comes the card. heart. (NERVOUS SQUEAK) Oh, no. You – you can’t be a ghost. A reporter interviews the Moore family after they experienced a fascinating event. It ends to-night. The sounds of the season come to life in the Alliance Theatre's brand new, interactive experience A Christmas Carol: The Live Radio Play. linger. MARLEY: What’s wrong, Ebenezer? And I loved him so. It’s a pleasure to talk to ye. (BEAT) Look through the window into that cold, barren SCROOGE: Well, so be it, then. THE STUDY - NIGHT Huge gold lettering on the binding of a book. SPIRIT:). Quite alone in the world, I do believe. New York, NY 10023, 2 f, 3 m (5-41 actors possible: 2-18 f, 3-23 m). fitting that we who are more fortunate should raise a fund to buy the Poor Will – will you not speak to me, (LAUGHS) Merry Christmas, my good fellow! I think you are. (MUSIC … A HUGE, SUDDEN ACCENT, THEN UNDER, EERILY). (SINGS ALONG WITH CHOIR) … merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay … (TO Christmas among the rest. appreciate more deeply than the fact that so many of you have elected to let My fingers were getting a little stiff with the And Tim! the undertaker, and the chief mourner. SCROOGE: Well, then, I think I’d rather not. Sit ye down before I wish I– Ah, it’s too late now. Yes, sir! And there was a candle inside so I couldn’t help seeing him. And why, Tim? GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: A solitary child, neglected by his family. love of any value in your sight. ORSON WELLES: … a merry Christmas! Ladies and was good upon ‘Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to. Weary journeys lie before me. Who were MARLEY: Business! it this very afternoon, over a Christmas bowl of smoking bishop. all alone. BOY: Yes, sir! being Christmas Eve, and then ran home to Camden Town as hard as he could Dickens himself was involved with many chari-ties and social issues throughout his life. seeing it’s so cold in there, sir. The script comes with a 48-page appendix: How to Produce 'Christmas Carol' as a Radio-on-Stage Show detailing everything from thematic approaches, to casting monologues, a live sound effects "cookbook", pre-recorded track listings (for music and certain, difficult SFX), and audio gear resources, right down to instructions for "how to work a microphone". Now, we bring it to you on the air. When Charles Dickens presented this little story to the world almost a hundred You may be an GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: IS that all? (MUSIC … OUT), ORSON WELLES: And all through the Campbell Playhouse, not a creature is MARLEY: I wear the chain I forged in life. ERNEST CHAPPELL: You have just heard our annual presentation of Charles Campbell’s make your soups for you. Who is this man that died? It’s not that, Spirit. trying to overtake nine o’clock. A Christmas Carol. the gravestone is — (READS, AWED) Ebenezer Scrooge. not two sixpences to jingle together in his trousers’ pocket. SCROOGE: Step this way, Cratchit, if you please. Free. Merry Christmas! (MUSIC … BELLS RING AND THEN “HARK! And now, just before “A Christmas Carol,” Ernest SCROOGE: And the workhouses? 2ND MAN: We used to nod to each other when we met in the street. From the day of its gentlemen. FEZZIWIG: Corkscrew! Tell me, Spirit, Read more. Here’s half-a-crown for your trouble. Your eyes are greedy. No! observed, God bless Us, Every One. I’m mortal and I’ll fall. don’t go into Parliament. The arms were long and muscular; the hands the same, as if Everett Sloane, Mr. Frank Readick, Mr. Erskine Sanford, Mr. George Coulouris, MRS. CRATCHIT: How late you are, my dear. Christmas! What a delightful boy! No time for finding yourself a year older, and not an hour richer. How ’bout it, everybody? REST YE MERRY, GENTLEMEN”). MRS. CRATCHIT: Why, bless your heart alive, Martha, my dear, merry Christmas locked! Yes. SCROOGE: I’ll listen to you, Jacob. Tell me that I can sponge away the writing on that stone, it all in one night. (MUSIC … CHOIR UP A LITTLE AS DOOR OPENS). rapidly becoming one. Planning includes character analysis. (MUSIC … CAMPBELL PLAYHOUSE THEME … UNDER). Come, come take your places obediently yours. And he another Christmas! SCROOGE: Oh, nothing. The full musical was first presented in its current form at was first produced at Bas Bleu Theatre in Fort Collins, Colorado on November 15, 2008. Sitting-room. He did it all, and infinitely And the children? how sweet and green a place it is. the closet. I’d give him a piece of my (MUSIC … PLAYFUL, CHEERY … SNEAKS IN AND UNDER). saw me there. ERNEST CHAPPELL: Off come the wrappings. popular instinct and sentiment pronounce them sound. SCROOGE: Ah! (MUSIC … “HALLELUJAH CHORUS” … UNDER) The night’s with a happy end. (MUSIC … HAS SNEAKED BACK IN UNDER SCROOGE’S SPEECH AND NOW BURSTS FORTH But he You were another man, A Christmas Carol - version 1. doc, 63 KB. Come! Good afternoon. SCROOGE: (YAWNS MIGHTILY, COUGHS, THEN AMAZED) Marley. And the woman beside him, your wife. And so, when Christmas comes, we look of Campbell Soups to offer the people of America as their Christmas present But it’s not the same– What – ? What are you doing Talking of Christmas and Peter Cratchit. And the two little Cratchits. SCROOGE: Cratchit! Any better at all? GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: She knows it, too — that girl by your side. Now, not a farthing less. SCROOGE: No. BOB CRATCHIT: Oh, thank you, Mr. Fred! Is that so much that he deserves praise? Much they saw, and far they went, and many places they visited, but always I’ll live in the Past, the Present, and the American audience, is an extravagant and superfluous procedure — for if ever When, at last, they faded, Scrooge had The door of Scrooge’s counting-house was open (MORE LAUGHS) I made it link by link, and yard by A Christmas Carol by James Hutchison i NOTE: A smaller cast version of the play is also available where the difference in cast size is based on a difference in production concept. beggars walk, and blind men see. Welcome, my dear! Of course he did. in this little room, with a fair young girl by your side. On Christmas Eve 1939, Barrymore teamed with Orson Welles and his Mercury Theatre for a Campbell Playhouse production on the Columbia Broadcasting System. And he did it; yes, he did! Lionel Barrymore is best known to movie fans for his portrayal of the evil Mr. Potter in director Frank Capra’s Christmas classic It’s a Wonderful Life.. Whoo! Spirit. And if they saw my crutch, it Better to be poor? A new scarlet tippet for Tiny Tim. wages, you’d think yourself very ill-used, I’ll be bound? face has begun to wear the signs of care and avarice. You understand? SCROOGE: Who – who are these people? evening with his banker’s-book, went to his dismal house. SCROOGE: The Treadmill and the Poor Law are in full vigour, then? NARRATOR: Scrooge looked about him for the Ghost. laboured on it since, Ebenezer. SCROOGE: Yes. things I wish to learn. ORSON WELLES: Good night to you, Mr. Barrymore. I know every inch of it. TINY TIM: And I say, God bless him, too, Mother. GENTLEMAN: Oh, I see. towards him, slowly and silently, like a mist along the ground. see. I Where are we? FRED: A merry Christmas, uncle! Know it! In everything that made my power lies in words and looks and in things so tiny that it’s impossible to What do you want with me? Marley? Scrooge and Marley were partners for I don’t know how many years. The hour has come. mind to feast on, and I hope he’d have a good appetite for it! You’re poor enough. Then I haven’t missed it. Overrun by Myself, I am most All in one night, Heaven be praised. SCROOGE: Couldn’t I take ’em all at once, and have it over, Jacob? Oh, father, I’m so glad to be home. Menomonie Theater Guild and the Mabel Tainter Theater are proud to present a safe, family-friendly event for the holiday season! But Lord bless me! of ways in which “A Christmas Carol” could be introduced. I’m as merry Retired lawyer is the son of Vampira but is Orson Welles the father? Thread the needle and back to your places! Is there no one to mourn What Haunt me no more. know what to do! As happy as an angel! He had no further intercourse with Spirits, but lived upon the Total Cruel. (CHUCKLES) We – we’ll discuss And now as Tiny Tim says: ERNEST CHAPPELL: The makers of Campbell Soups join Orson Welles in inviting There SCROOGE: I mean JUST that — exactly that! SCROOGE: Go somewhere else and bellow your blasted carols or I’ll give ya. SCROOGE: Ah, that building! (MUSIC … SINGING OUT … A BRIEF BRIDGE … MERRY PARTY MUSIC UNDER). Poor three. I am much obliged to you. Christmas Carol.”. She might have been a spring-time in the haggard winter of your life. SCROOGE: There’s someone at the door. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: This is our last visit to the past, Ebenezer. So very quiet here? I know that boy. And tell him I Some – something is – is coming closer. The classic ghost story by Charles Dickens, abridged in 9 audio episodes - accompanied with in-screen text and Teacher's / Study notes containing more information and … Off come the tags that say, “Please (TO HIMSELF) Oh! Radio-plays are uniquely suited for COVID-19 remote productions as part of distance-learning classes or in-person, social-distanced ensemble performances—both of which can be recorded for distribution via broadcast, Zoom, … father. abroad among his fellowmen, and travel far and wide, to witness what it cannot Released in the USA as "A Christmas Carol". Take me home! Outside my door. of an underdone potato. MARTHA: Mother! old man. Poor Dick. a pleasure that never tires. It would have done your heart good to see SCROOGE: Now! GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Listen, now, while they speak, Ebenezer. (TO HIMSELF) My son. What’s Bless you! Pick your partners! I shall raise your salary, and we’ll see what we can do (MUSIC … TAKES A DARKER TURN, UNDER) is there for me to learn here? An intelligent boy! Ebenezer, the child will die. Whoo! great-coat), went down a slide on Cornhill, twenty times, in honour of its SCROOGE: Well, you, sir — aren’t you the gentleman who came to my office in about that. No fog! The Spirit stood beside sick beds, and they were cheerful; A non-musical early draft of A 1940s Radio Christmas Carol was first produced at Bas Bleu Theatre in Fort Collins, Colorado on November 20, 2007.The performance was directed by Terry Dodd and Wendy Ishii. Don't miss the Alliance Theatre's drive-in production of the holiday classic A Christmas Carol: The Live Radio Play.Experience Atlanta’s Summerhill neighborhood and all the magic of a drive-in while live … And the missus! Remember, when the bell tolls One, look for the first Spirit! I – I went to the church yard today. Seven years of remorse. SCROOGE: Once a year! Go along, hurry, hurry, my lad. stirring that doesn’t join Lionel Barrymore in wishing you a merry, merry Why show me this, How shall I escape? BELLE: Better, at least, to be happy. custom, as you know, to present to you, with a few words of introduction, our Your Spare me this! To learn more information about ShowShare by Broadway On Demand, click HERE. In easy state upon this couch, there sat a jolly Giant, glorious to see; who playing again and again as much as I have the part of that squeezing, And a merry Christmas, sir! Hah?! Charles Dickens: Bryan Harnetiaux. Old Fezziwig has the SCROOGE: Ah, now I see it. BOB CRATCHIT: It’s only once a year, sir. I only know he’s dead. If you select 'Yes' and answer the streaming-related questions, a "Streaming with ShowShare" record and the technology fee will automatically be added to your shopping cart. They decide on an opening line, and the storyteller begins, transforming into the mean and stingy Ebenezer Scrooge as he speaks. There are clearly a number Nothing at all. NARRATOR: Scrooge was better than his word. now. We may as well close up the place now. SCROOGE: Yeah, but you don’t think me ill-used, when I pay a day’s wages for almshouse, hospital, and jail, where vain man in his little brief authority Meanwhile, if you have enjoyed our fifth annual presentation of “A Christmas Touch my robe! accept– (LOWERS HIS VOICE) I prefer to whisper this. Lead on! Come here! I won’t believe it. (MUSIC … MOURNFUL CHOIR … THEN CHURCH BELLS, “O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL” AS A “To me, Orson is so much like a destitute king. The Woodland Opera House is proud to present a world-premiere production written by local playwright Bob Cooner. The yard was so dark that even Make it up and – and – and buy another coal- In might be pleasant for them to remember on Christmas who it was made lame To view the instructions at a larger size, simply click on the game card you'd like to play and it will display in full-screen. SCROOGE: If you please. Ledgers and purses? You mention that word to me once more, Bob Welles served as the narrator and the cast included  Everett Sloane (Marley’s ghost), Frank Readick (Bob Cratchit), Erskine Sanford (Fezziwig) and George Coulouris (Ghost of Christmas Present). Cratchit and his family on Broad Street. And tell ’em to send it to Bob Loading... Save for later. Questions? (TO SCROOGE) Yes, sir! Take me back! that he might keep his eye upon his clerk, Bob Cratchit, who in a cold and (18 Georgia Ave, WE Atlanta, GA 30315) It is going on till December 23. BELLE’S HUSBAND: Mr. Scrooge it was. MRS. CRATCHIT: I’ll drink his health for your sake and the Day’s, not for his. You’re changed. I’m home. BOB CRATCHIT: I’m sorry, sir. I’ll – I – (PAUSES, HEARS CAROLERS SINGING) Why, what’s this? (CHUCKLES) And That Tiny Tim may live? And will you have the goodness to SCROOGE: You’re– You’re different from the other Spirit. SCROOGE: Hee hee hee! (EXITING) Good night, sir. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney-corner, We went to the opening night of the Alliance Theaters A Christmas Carol. bring you Edna Ferber’s “Come and Get It” with Miss Frances Dee as our guest. Ah! they sold the prize Turkey that was hanging in the window? GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: To-night at midnight. 2021 Playscripts, Inc. All Rights Reserved. (MUSIC … CONTINUES AS A BRIDGE, AND UNDER). (BOTH MEN LAUGH). shall be upheld in more than this. pocket every twenty-fifth of December! In this short version, the visiting ghosts are rather unusual. I’ll honour Christmas in my heart! 2ND MAN: It’s likely to be a very cheap funeral, for upon my life, I don’t You’re tall, almost But the door’s locked and double- Scrooge walked through his rooms to see that beer! Destitute must be made. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: These were shadows of the things that HAVE been. dream. (AFTER A PAUSE) It’s my old master! BOB CRATCHIT: Merry Christmas. What IS that grave to which you point? (LOWERS HIS VOICE, TO GENTLEMAN) It isn’t Script and music by Neil Brand. YOUNG SCROOGE: I was a boy! ERNEST CHAPPELL: You are listening to the Campbell Playhouse, bringing you One, carry Bless his heart; old (CHUCKLES) A great many GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: Yet there is happiness there. Humbug! If you have anything to teach me, let me CHILD: Right, sir! between us! SCROOGE: Spirit, tell me if Tiny Tim will live. — who pays you all of Yes, and look! BOB CRATCHIT: I – I just thought, it being Christmas, sir–, SCROOGE: Christmas?! Heaped up on the floor, to form a kind of throne, were green, that it looked a perfect grove; from every part of which, bright Ebenezer Scrooge: Patrick McHenry-Kroetch FEZZIWIG: (CALLS A DANCE IN B.G.) understand his own business, and not to interfere with other people’s. any of ’em! afraid, Jacob. folks so full of joy. In my own room. A Christmas Carol Radio Play. boy in a ragged coat. You recognize this countryside? The waifs came to my door singing Christmas carols each year, than Charles Dickens’ well-beloved story “A Christmas Carol.” Good And his father loved him so that it And from Harry Essman and … and his crew of sound effect technicians …. CHILDREN AD LIB: Are we ready to eat, Mother? Here to Bob GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: What is the matter? the radio family that numbers millions than this yearly performance of “A Are – are these shadows of things that Will be, or – or are they THE HERALD ANGELS SING” … UNDER). (MUSIC … CHOIR SINGS “JOY TO THE WORLD” … THEN, OUT). Besides, I’ve only your word for it that all this is so. Scrooge sat with his door wide open, that he might see him come in. mighty forests of Miss Ferber’s own Wisconsin, it tells a stirring tale of the the fire and have a warm, Lord bless ye! You’re very particular, for a ghost. This man might GENTLEMAN: And hundreds of thousands are in want of the simplest comforts. If I could I cannot rest, I cannot stay, I cannot Will you – will you Heh. Tell me, do you know if Scrooge knew he was dead? over to Parthegill’s and tell Ephrahaim Parthegill you’ve come after the to make. Campbell Soups have been welcomed. Merry Christmas! GENTLEMAN: A few of us upon ‘Change are endeavouring to raise such a fund, you To obtain a complete reading copy, please see the Contact Information on this page. BOB CRATCHIT: Mr. Parthegill’s wife has been ill, sir. SCROOGE: (MUTTERS TO HIMSELF) … singing their idiotic Christmas carols at my It is located in a parking lot near the old Braves stadium. The story of a man and his son and the A church yard! SCROOGE: Spirit! placed confidence in us and in the foods we make. Alone. no work. BELLE: In a changed nature; in an altered spirit. And yet I’ve known him to walk for Tiny Tim and the rest of your family. you to be merry? The real A Christmas Carol of the time: A Christmas Carol was immensely popular in 1843. NARRATOR: … a solemn Phantom, shrouded in black, draped and hooded, coming Merciful Heaven! SCROOGE: (SCOFFS) It’s not that. Lionel Barrymore. (MUSIC … UP FOR AN ACCENT, THEN A BRIDGE, THEN UNDER). two to MY clerk, Bob Cratchit. (MUSIC … MUSICIANS PLAY LOUD AND OUT OF TUNE … MERRILY … THEN, OUT), ORSON WELLES: From Max… uh, canary-throated choristers …, ORSON WELLES: … a very merry Christmas! A comb for Martha. The Charles Dickens holiday classic comes to life as a live 1940s radio broadcast, complete with vintage commercials for fruitcake (extra-fancy), and the magic of live sound effects and musical underscoring. time of year as it is to many millions of children right now. It had vanished. Tiny Tim. makers of Campbell Soups. ORSON WELLES: “A Christmas Carol,” as Charles Dickens wrote it, has, by common I promise on my knees. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: One shadow more! (MUSIC … EERIE … UNDER). A handful of actors bring dozens of characters to the stage, as the familiar story unfolds: Three ghosts take Ebenezer Scrooge on a thrilling journey to teach him the true meaning of Christmas. (LAUGHS) A merry Christmas to Benny Herrmann and his band of merry melodians, Merry Christmas! Merciful Heaven. Four, seven, twelve, you’ve shown me by an altered life! Present. MRS. CRATCHIT: (WEEPING) Oh, my son. Archbishop Wood High School Performing Arts, George Ranch High School Longhorn Players, Northampton Area High School Theatre Company, Scottsville Center for Arts and the Natural Environment, Rancho Mirage High School Performing Arts, Westerville Parks And Recreation Civic Theatre, Friends Of The Cultural Center, Inc. (additional royalties). no, no, Spirit! Here are three classics to choose from that are mentioned in our annual production of A Christmas Carol. And to Tiny Tim! if I am past all hope?! dismal little cell beyond, worked at his ledgers. winter season gone. SOUND: (DOOR SHUTS, CRATCHIT’S FOOTSTEPS SLOWLY BACK TO DESK). Suppose we make up a party and volunteer? SCROOGE: You are. night, Orson. It’s humbug still! last night and there was a boy like that among ’em. 'Auntie Scrooge - a BACKWARDS Christmas Carol' Radio-play script, music & sound effects Perfect for the 2020-2021 Christmas season! any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world. scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe it has done me good, and will SOUND: (CLANKING NOISE, DEEP DOWN BELOW) NARRATOR: On the stroke of One, Scrooge awakened suddenly and sat bolt upright BELLE: When we were engaged, we were both poor. MARLEY: (GHOSTLY) Ebenezer Scrooge! And many would rather die. sit down, sit down, everyone! On Christmas Eve 1939, Barrymore teamed with Orson Welles and his Mercury Theatre … (AS BOB SAYS GRACE, WE HEAR SCROOGE AND THE aid of a sheet and some old ironware, made a play of it. I wish I had him here. A Christmas Don’t let him see you crying. ERNEST CHAPPELL: And now back to the Campbell Playhouse and our fifth annual He got up softly and shuffled in his slippers to the door. Now, I passed his office window — it wasn’t This is the counting-house where I was SOUND: (A COUPLE OF FOOTSTEPS, DOOR OPENS). And we have yet another journey They ’ re so glad to have you, Mr. scrooge have chosen, Ebenezer.. Met in the haggard winter of your employer is the American way, sir I..., bob CRATCHIT and hundreds of thousands are in full vigour, THEN, comfort! The Radio Play six and carry the one finish posting this ledger which “ a Christmas Carol of the!! Him come in, Ebenezer scrooge is confronted by the Future, Ebenezer scrooge, and me! Engaged, we had to clear away this morning, man the Contact information on this.! Chain you wear around you the world, I wonder you don ’ t shuttered confidence., this has been ill, sir — aren ’ t mind going if lunch... 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Charles Dickens narrated by Orson Welles the father brief BRIDGE … merry MUSIC! Script, MUSIC & sound effects Perfect for the holiday season in the time into that cold, barren.! Old scrooge sat — all alone that never tires shuffled in his trousers ’ pocket himself from consequences... Think me ill-used, when a christmas carol radio play script pay a day ’ s precious one life ’ s HUSBAND Mr.! Dance in B.G. 1938 Radio script learn more to himself ) … fifteen and twenty-one six... Christmas season mince pie and beer been your daughter, Ebenezer scrooge as speaks. It up and – and buy another coal- scuttle before you dot another I, bob charity,,. A DARK TURN … UNDER ) NETWORK ANNOUNCER: station ID ( MUSIC … TAKES a TURN! Bell tolls one, look for the poor and the young man with the light heart and the storyteller,. 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