My explanation is long, but please hear me out! She’s currently being treated with aquarium salt and Bettafix. We moved him to his own tank and treated him with tonic and then melafix. If not, you’ll need to try a different method. My fish has a tumor that is yellow, and he has one on each side. My betta has had a swollen abdomen for 6 months. When I got him 6 months ago he was sociable, highly active always cane to the glass to meet me and would stay as long as I talked with him. Can you help me figure out what happened to my female betta, she was fine yesterday, today she’s staying at the bottom of her tank and her left gill looks swollen, and it’s not moving like her right gill is, I want to help her but I don’t know what this is.. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on July 24, 2020: @Sunshine you need to check them careful to know the real cause, but most spots are usually fungal and require you to keep the water clean and conditioned. My betta is not eating properly for some days. Question: My male half moon beta has some white under his head I’m not sure if it’s some sort of fungi or if he just has white scales how can I tell? Ive had bettas before but never had to deal with any skin/fin ailments. He always spits it out, tries again and then gets tired of trying. It is good for wounds, sores, bacteria and fungi infections, among other benefits. If you can catch hole in the head while it’s still showing early symptoms, you’re going to have a much better chance of treating it effectively. Januaris Saint Fores (author) from Intercontinental on June 22, 2020: @Juli, it's likely to be a fungal infection developing, so keep an eye on it as you try the fungal remedies discussed in this article (including the comment section). Her behavior is completely normal, but 5 days of treating with AQ and no resolution. If it’s an abscess it’s going to … Until eventually your betta is overcome by them. It can be caused by bacteria or fungi. The tank got a little too dirty with algae. The new environment can really help with the color change. According to the manufacturer, it can also deal with pop eye, body rot, raised veins, ulcers, 'redness', cloudy eyes and other health conditions. If velvet is not treated early enough, the infected fish dies in a matter of days. Recently purchased a small heater for my betta's fish bowl. Maybe I’m just paranoid, but I this is only like my second time having a beta. With all these healing components, this remedy can also be used to treat all the other diseases, illnesses, sickness and disorders listed on this article. What is causing my Betta's malady and what can I do for her? And most importantly, the rot won’t appear to be anywhere near your betta’s body. Question: I recently got (2 days ago) two female betta fish and one male. Goldfish Lice – How to Treat Them, Spot Them, and Prevent Them! The tips may be changing color to brown, grey, or white. He still eats in fact he has gotten better at eating right when i feed him. (Find out everything you need to know about. Fin rot is an infection that can be both fungal and bacterial in nature. If it bends to the side then as previously mentioned they could be suffering from dropsy. While it’s rare, tuberculosis is another illness that can make your betta sick. He is still eating. Answer: His flaring means he is a friendly pet! Question: My betta keeps hiding at the bottom of the tank all day and seems lethargic. First of all you’ll want to move your betta to a quarantine tank and disinfect your main tank thoroughly. One of the biggest problems with tuberculosis in fish, is that it’s generally symptom-less until it’s already too late. one of my coworkers popped it and nothing happened, he was still his usual active self but a couple of weeks later another one has started growing right next to the old one. (Find out more about tuberculosis in bettas.). A couple of the most common symptoms of tuberculosis in bettas is emaciation and a loss of appetite. I literally just did a 30% water change in his 5.5 gallon tank. Secondly you can also try raising the temperature in the tank and adding salt to help kill the infection. Question: My Betta's fins have been stiff for a while now, and he has two tiny dots of fin discoloration at the bottom of one of his fins. Question: So I think my fish has bloat. Answer: This seems like an injury and fungal infection, so you don't need antibiotics. Free hard core porn woman fucking, Brinquedo de duplo de dois estrelas porno lesbiana de merda, Permalink to Curly horny Dane Jones gets fuck by white cock Contrary to what a lot of people think, they’re actually not worms. (What To Look For When Picking), Fluval 406 Canister Filter Review (Why You NEED This Filter), 8 Best Filters For 5 Gallon Betta Tanks (And Normal Tanks), Fluval c3 Power Filter Review (2019 REVIEW), Fluval Fx6 Canister Filter Review (Is It The Best? Answer: There could be an issue with the water. Question: Can I feed ants to my betta fish? Answer: It could be due to overfeeding/bloating or swallowing something big.

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