wow. I’ve been (removing putty) the entire floor with a palm sander. You don’t want to be caught short… There are some hand sanding tools that will have you sanding even a small area, for an eternity!eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'howtosandafloor_com-box-3','ezslot_4',107,'0','0'])); To add a little pizzazz to this article I’m going to rank them in order of aggressiveness and efficiency. Ook voor een brede collectie van waterschoenen, sandalen en slippers kunt u bij ons terecht.Onze Human Nature wandelschoenenzijn er niet alleen voor in de bergen of voor afstandlopers, maar voor een ieder … I’m not rushing to do them either, so a renting machines would equal over $1k. Im looking to stain and seal (is this the correct terminology im not sure) these floors. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The reception of Nietzsche’s work, on all levels of engagement, has been complicated by historical contingencies that are related only by accident to the thought itself. I am thinking of replacing my current belt sander, which is about as old as the floors and does not have a dust port. Use a handheld orbital sander, ideally with a gear-driven setting. Thank you for spending time to share! I have been using the Festool Rotex (150mm disk) for years. I have a bedroom 10.5×13 with 9×9 square wood tongue in groove edges. Thank you so much for answering me. Any suggestions will be appreciated. That is what it was designed for, not to remove massive amounts of wood, but to massage it smooth.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'howtosandafloor_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',108,'0','0'])); Yes you can put a 40 grit on it and ‘rough up’ some small areas, but if you plan on sanding your wood floors by hand with this sander then you had better clear your calendar. (iii) The third part of the answer to the question concerning nihilism states that “‘why?’ finds no answer.” Who is posing the question here? The objective perspective is not possible, since the whole consumes all possibilities, giving form to and destroying all that has come to fulfillment. It seems strange that Nietzsche would place so much dramatic emphasis on this temporal form of determinism. After leaving Basel, Nietzsche enjoyed a period of great productivity. What, then, may be said about Nietzsche as political thinker? Would such a thought diminish the willfulness of those who grasp it? The possibility arises, then, that nihilism for Nietzsche is merely a temporary stage in the refinement of true belief. If all principles are interpretive gestures, by the logic of Nietzsche’s new cosmology, the will to power must also be interpretive (BGE 22). Taking this approach, however, risks confusing aspects of the Nietzsche legend with what is important in his philosophical work, and many commentators are rightly skeptical of readings derived primarily from biographical anecdotes. Thank you!! If a client wanted me and my helper to sand 500sf by hand on 80 grit, I would give it 2 weeks and charge him 10k minimum. What an interesting hub. Deleuze’s seminal work delivers the classic statement on Nietzsche as a thinker of processes and relations of active and reactive forces. Charles Santiago Sanders Peirce (ausgesprochen: /'pɜrs/ wie: pörs) (* 10. He broke free of Wagner’s dominance once and for all in 1877, after a series of emotionally charged episodes. The world’s eternally self-creating, self-destroying play is conditioned by time. As such, whatever stands is measured, on the one hand, by the context its emergence creates. The exact same way you would with floor sanding machines, but with a lot more elbow grease! His writings on truth, morality, language, aesthetics, cultural theory, history, nihilism, power, consciousness, and the meaning of existence have exerted an enormous influence on Western philosophy and intellectual history. Let me explain. Or is yellowing inevitable? It is with this understanding of the “great man” that Nietzsche, in Ecce Homo, proclaims even himself a great man, “dynamite,”“breaking the history of humanity in two” (“Why I am a Destiny” 1 and 8). Thanks for your help! This view has the advantage of making Nietzsche’s remarks on truth and morality seem coherent from a pragmatic standpoint, in that with this view the problem of nihilism is met when false beliefs have been identified and corrected. He also produced more serious and accomplished works on themes related to philology, literature, and philosophy. With that said, you have to start on 40 grit of you ever hope to finish the job. Sowas *~* außerdem liebe ich die ganzen Nachnamen aus der Serie Grey's Anatomy, da lass ich mich immer für Namen meiner Protagonisten inspirieren ;D und toll finde ich Levi & Levy ^.^ 19. Other commentators have suggested that Nietzsche, here, betrays all of philosophy, lacking any sense of decency with this daring expose—that what is left after the expression of such a forbidden truth is no recourse to meaning. En stor klagebunke ventet Kringkastingsrådet da de hadde har årets første møte torsdag 11. februar. Also the guy who did it told me that my floors are quite even enough that if I want to get hardwood, he’d just put it on top of the current flooring, that sounded dodgy to me. Everyone works at different pace but this is a time question for you! Psychologically, they are the effects of human energy stored and kept dormant for long periods of time in dark clouds of indifference. The waterbased finishes dont discolor, its just he wood surface itself that discolors (infact it discolors about 0.5mm deep!). What to consider when choosing an electric car polisher We believe that every individual has different taste, some like adventure, adventure some like beach vibes and some, find peace in religious places. It has no power whatsoever, and it doesn’t produce a good finish (smooth surface). But why, we might ask, are all living things beholden to such commanding and obeying? The earliest roots of science can be traced to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in around 3500 to 3000 BCE. Mine didnt fit, I just put it on the extractor hole of the festool and taped it on. Testing will show this. August 2016 14:31 Hopefully, I’m smart enough to recognize that I’m getting nowhere, in the event that I ——— get nowhere! Occasionally, he would visit family and friends in Naumburg or Basel, and he spent a great deal of time in social discourse, exchanging letters with friends and associates. If the sovereign individual represents history’s “ripest fruit”, the most recent millennia have created, through rituals of revenge and punishment, a “bad conscience.” The human animal thereby internalizes material forces into feelings of guilt and duty, while externalizing a spirit thus created with hostility towards existence itself (GM II.21). It should be cautioned that important differences exist in the way Nietzsche conceives of each of these various figures, differences that reflect the development of Nietzsche’s philosophical work throughout the periods of his life. Heidegger began working closely with Nietzsche’s thought in the 1930s, a time rife with political opportunism in Germany, even among scholars and intellectuals. The historical situation that conditions Nietzsche’s will to power involves not only the death of God and the reappearance of pessimism, but also the nineteenth century’s increased historical awareness, and with it the return of the ancient philosophical problem of emergence. Moreover, will to power stands as a necessary condition for all value judgments. I’m serious, an actual construction type brick. I bought a belt sander and got to it. All possibilities become necessities, given an infinite amount of time. I am a do-it-yourself type of person, but this is intimidating. “On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense” (“. Even if we offer our lives, as martyrs do for their church, this is a sacrifice that is offered for our desire for power or for the purpose of preserving our feeling of power. Hence, a pessimism of weakness and an incomplete form of nihilism prevail in the modern epoch. By this time he had also given up Theology, dashing his mother’s hopes of a career in the ministry for him. Also, what grits to use on this soft wood? And, some will even deny that he achieves (nor even attempts) the overcoming described above. Here, apparently, Nietzsche’s doctrine of the feeling of power has become more than an observation on the natural history and psychology of morals. does this mean the areas where you have been with the mouse is lighter than everywhere else? That is the nature of living creatures.” It is important to note the disjunction: one may obey oneself or one may not. It is commonplace to say that at one time Nietzsche looked to Wagner with the admiration of a dutiful son. staining grey is like the Olympic finals of floor sanding and refinishing. I have sanded these down again with 80 then 100 (no stain aside from the large pores that it soaked more deeply into) but they still won’t take stain well. To be honest this is a job that actually merits only using hand tools, it shouldnt take too long. From here, the logic unfolds categorically: all great events, having occurred, are possibilities. What an interesting hub. Formação de quadrilha artigo. I want to get the floor as good as I can knowing it will never be perfect. Such was the reading proffered, for example, by Lou Salomè, a woman with whom Nietzsche briefly had an unconventional and famously complex romantic relationship, and who later befriended Sigmund Freud among other leaders of European culture at the fin-de-siècle. My sister tried it and still it did nothing. In such ways, using this difference as a reference, as a “boundary-stone” on the river of eternal becoming, the meaning of the past is once again determined and the course of the future is set for a while, at least until a coming epoch unleashes the next great transvaluative event. If, indeed, a workable epistemology may be derived from reading specific passages, and good reasons can be given for prioritizing those passages, then consistent grounds may exist for Nietzsche having leveled a critique of morality. When the egoist’s “I will” becomes transparent to itself a new beginning is thereby made possible. Life, in this view, is essentially self-overcoming, a self-empowering power accomplishing more power to no other end. What form of redemption was sought here, and was this form indicative of a healthy life? Primal energy gathers to a point before a cataclysmic event, like a chemical reaction with an electrical charge, unleashes some decisive, episodic force on all humanity. Values most responsible for the scientific revolution, however, are also crucial to the metaphysical system that modern science is destroying. Both types are marked by the appearance of nihilism, having been drawn into the inevitable logic of value-positing and what it would seem to indicate. What may one learn about the creation of values by surveying such cultures?” This version of nihilism then means that absolute aims are lacking and that cultures naturally attempt to compensate for this absence with the creation of goals. I understand this flooring is from the 50’s and gives a similar look as the finger strips but is really a 9×9 square. Within nature, one might say, energy disperses and accumulates in various force-points: nature’s power to create these force-points is radically indifferent, and this indifference towards what has been created also characterizes its power. Such readings however ignore or discount Nietzsche’s interest in historical processes and the unavoidable inference that although Nietzsche’s anti-egalitarianism might lead to questionably “unmodern” political conclusions, hierarchy nevertheless implies association. What is important for Nietzsche, throughout his career, is the quick evaluation of social order and heirarchies, made possible for the first time in the nineteenth century by the newly developed “historical sense” (BGE 224) through which Nietzsche draws sweeping conclusions regarding, for example, the characteristics of various moral and religious epochs (BGE 32 and 55), which are themselves pre-conditioned by the material origins of consciousness, from which a pre-human animal acquires the capacity (even the “right”) to make promises and develops into the “sovereign individual” who then bears responsibility for his or her actions and thoughts (GM II.2). 0 - 45° tilting table for easy chamfering and edge work. It is, at the very least, accurate to say that for Nietzsche nihilism has become a problem by the nineteenth century. Or, could we somehow find it liberating? Young Friedrich also enjoyed the camaraderie of a few male playmates. It was a Numatic Henry vacuum, common UK brand. For Nietzsche, a long, murky, and thereby misunderstood history has conditioned the human animal in response to physical, psychological, and social necessities (GM II) and in ways that have created additional needs, including primarily the need to believe in a purpose for its very existence (GS 1). The stain of Elisabeth’s editorial imprint can be seen on the many ill-informed and haphazard interpretations of Nietzsche produced in the early part of the twentieth century, the unfortunate traces of which remain in some readings today. This time I’ll use a T-bar instead of a brush and pray that it doesn’t turn my floor white again. You left out using soap, water, and a smooth brick. The encounter regards Heidegger’s reading of Nietzsche and what it implies for post-Heideggerian thought, With Giorgio Colli, Montinari was coeditor of the KSA and the first volumes of the KGW. The constellation of Nietzsche’s fundamental concepts moves within his general understanding of modernity’s historical situation in the late nineteenth century. With very old floors, you may find that whatever you put on the surface doesn’t bond very well. It would be an exaggeration to say that Nietzsche was not developing intellectually during the period, prior to 1877. Any vacuum with a hose. Can an 7.5 inch edger sander be used to sand an entire 120 sq ft floor? I ended up w a heavy edging tool rental and it sucked so badly I did this search n saw your blog. As is typically the case with Heidegger’s interpretations of the history of philosophy, many aspects of this reading are truly remarkable—Heidegger’s scholarship, for example, his feel for what is important to Nietzsche, and his elaboration of Nietzsche’s work in a way that seems compatible with a narrative of the concealing and revealing destiny of being. Mop with wax penetrating detergent Nietzsche spoke of “the death of God,” and foresaw the dissolution of traditional religion and metaphysics. In spite of the positivistic methodology of The Genealogy, beneath the surface of this natural history of morals, will to power pumps life into the heart of both master and slave conceptual frameworks. With the stronger claim, however, Nietzsche’s critique of the modern situation implies that the “highest values [necessarily] devalue themselves.” Western metaphysics brings about its own disintegration, in working out the implications of its inner logic. Thanks! (aphorism 13). Contrary to what some say, lead dust is not easy to remove, especially from rough areas like a wood floor. Again, if you choose to use this sander, prepare for a long hard slog. Double configuration with fast easy changing between spindle sander and belt sander. The logic of eternity determines every contingent fact in each cycle of recurrence. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra’s “Of Involuntary Bliss” we find Zarathustra speaking of his own “mistrust,” when he describes the happiness that has come to him in the “blissful hour” of the third part of that book. I will be purchasing Festool 150 Rotex as you have recommended for hand sanding. One is left only to describe material occurrences and to intuit the passing of time. you are using a palm sander or hand held tool, though right? I would love to purchase a festool as recommended in your blog but that’s not possible right now. I never thought I would have a **favourite** sanding blogger – but now I do! I’m going to let it dry for 4 days before attempting the polyurethane again. Introduction: How Should We Define Health and Disease? This is very hard work and doesn’t seem necessary. Hello Penney. definitely get the floor laid, then sand it flat. Such willing, most importantly, commands, which at the same time is an obeying: difference emerges from out of indifference and overcomes it, at least for a while. What if the thought took hold of us? Meaning: These are all discourse particles that are mentioned at the end of sentences. This work is also unmodern, according to Nietzsche, since modernity either has yet to ask the question “why?,” in any profound sense or, in those cases where the question has been posed, it has yet to come up with a response. Hello Zein, I do respond to my facebook page but unfortunately its not very good at notifying me that I have had a message. This essay is Heidegger’s first published and most concise treatment of Nietzsche. Using Random orbital floor sander and Random orbital finishing sander sand 36-60-80-100 (filler if needed after 36) Thus far, however, modernity’s attempts to “escape nihilism” (in turning away) have only served to “make the problem more acute” (aphorism 28). Will it take another coat if I buy new stain? Bernard Sanders (born September 8, 1941) is an American politician who has served as the junior United States senator from Vermont since 2007 and as U.S. Representative for the state's at-large congressional district from 1991 to 2007. With 36 grit on the orbital: I got a lot of the finish off but still have more to go. Unfortunately, it is inevitable. It’s totally ok to laugh at me (I’m used to it) but I’d appreciate some advice too! I purchased a 1940s home a couple of months ago and attempted to sand and stain all of the floors before moving in. It’s very hard wearing yet a very pure natural finish. We ripped up carpet years ago with the thought of refinishing the floors. I’ll try the belt sander for the 60 g and up. Is it possible the mouse is burnishing the wood, and closing the pores? A firsthand and secondhand biographical narrative may be followed in the collected letters of Nietzsche and his associates: The following list includes a few of the most well known biographies in English. I would try to use the same finish for the top coats, not specifically satin on the last coat. I know this will take forever, but I have the time I just would like to get the best result possible. Have you had any experience of treating a softwood floor in this way? Near the beginning of the aphorisms collected under the title, Will To Power (aphorism 2), we find this note from 1887: “What does nihilism mean? Within the two-fold limit of this horizon, disturbances emerge from their opposites, but one cannot evaluate them, absolutely, because judgment implicates participation in will to power, in the ebb and flow of events constituting time. I have tried a floor sander, an orbital a drum sander and even adhesive remover. And what grit suggestion process would you use? on a floor like yours, it is actually recommended to sand it like this, purely because getting the floor flat is far from the goal. If you would like to take a closer look, I have written a full Festool Rotex RO 150 review here. Det er vanskelig å definere noen felles kult ut over at mange rituelle handlinger korresponderer med årstider og månefaser. In Nietzsche’s Nachlass, we discover attempts to work out rational proofs supporting the theory, but they seem to present no serious challenge to a linear conception of time. I am a n elderly lady who knows how to do hard work, but how much time will it take to. Even so, buffers are tough for beginners to handle. Why is this so? There’s some cupping, but happy wife, happy life, so here I go… Do you have specific suggestions for sanding something so thin? The conceptualization of eternal recurrence emerges at the threshold of Nietzsche’s most acute positivistic inquiry and his most poetic creation. I have oak floors that look great, other than this 6-8” spot between boards that has cupped. Relatório individual do aluno indisciplinado. Remove baseboard trim(label) Thanks! Friedrich Nietzsche (1844—1900) Nietzsche was a German philosopher, essayist, and cultural critic. For these reasons, social institutions enforcing adherence to inherited values are permitted to create self-serving economies of power, so long as individuals living through them are thereby made more secure and their possibilities for life enhanced. From here you should use a bonding gel. Simultaneously, Nietzsche declares himself, with great emphasis, to be the “teacher of the eternal recurrence.”. In regards to this danger, Nietzsche’s most important cultural anthropologies examined the Greeks from Homer to the age of tragedy and the “pre-Platonic” philosophers. How is knowledge of both will to power and its eternally recurring play of creation and destruction grounded? Montinari’s Nietzsche is best characterized as having a lifelong “passion for knowledge.” However, Montinari’s insights into previous editions of Nietzsche’s corpus, and the editorial politics behind these editions, may be the most valuable parts of this interesting work, Porter’s study places Nietzsche’s philology in historical context and shows how this training prepared hermeneutic gestures found in later Nietzsche’s philosophy of interpretation, As the title promises, this text surveys aspects of the French reception of Nietzsche, Strauss, Leo. Nietzsche’s second book-length project, The Untimely Meditations, contains four essays written from 1873-1876. How do I fix this problem? A friend mentioned I should be able to simply scuff the wood and stain with the darker color. Do you think it’s because I wash the applicator with mineral spirits? Your email address will not be published. I think even the ranking of the hand sanders is perfect. Smooth brick starts about 80 grit, loaded up quickly to 120, more as you use it. Outside school, Nietzsche founded a literary and creative society with classmates including Paul Deussen (who was later to become a prominent scholar of Sanskrit and Indic Studies). Thanks SO much! This title should not be counted on, however, for any sort of understanding of Nietzsche’s philosophy. 65 Followers, 3 Following, 22 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from 1001 Spelletjes (@1001spelletjes) Use waterbased lacquer with a waterbased primer to try and limit it as much as possible. During the 1930s, in the midst of intense activity by National Socialist academic propagandists such as Alfred Bäumler, even typically insightful thinkers such as Emmanuel Levinas confused the public image of Nietzsche for the philosopher’s stated beliefs. Your festtool would probably be trounced by a mafell. Thanks again for sharing your time and experience with us here on the ‘net. MI6 chief Richard Moore said the ban was ‘wrong, unjust and discriminatory’ (Picture: Getty Images)The chief of the MI6 has publicly apologised for the barring of LGBT+ people serving in the intelligence agencies.Richard Moore said the ban, which remained in place until 1991, was ‘wrong, unjust and discriminatory’.This is a breaking story, more to follow.Get in touch with our … These developments are matters of contention, however, as some commentators maintain that statements regarding Nietzsche’s “cosmological vision” are exaggerated. To see that my dog had an accident on the floor and by the end of the weekend the floor had started to cup in between the boards. Ben Osborne is the owner of Even to say that particular events seem better or worse suited to the functionality of the whole, or to its stability, or its health, or that an event may be measured absolutely by its fitted-ness in some other way, presupposes a standpoint that Nietzsche’s cosmology will not allow. In a loosely related movement, many commentators bring Nietzsche into dialogue with the tradition by concentrating on aspects of his work relevant to particular philosophical issues, such as the problem of truth, the development of a natural history of morals, a philosophical consideration of moral psychology, problems concerning subjectivity and logo-centrism, theories of language, and many others. Here, the conceptualization of eternal recurrence, thus, coincides with questions regarding its impact: “how well disposed would you have to become to yourself and to life to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal?”. Birth of Tragedy was mocked as Zukunfts-Philologie (“Future Philology”) by Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, an up-and-coming peer destined for an illustrious career in Classicism, and even Ritschl characterized it as a work of “megalomania.” For these reasons, Nietzsche had difficulty attracting students. Manufacturers have never figured out how to fix this, which is why when you get prefinished floors, they have a bevelled edge and/or they generally slope down towards the edges, this is to obscure the overwood. When a momentous event takes place, the exception bolts from the cloud of normalcy as a point of extreme difference. I have approximately 400 sf white oak. We believe that every individual has different taste, some like adventure, adventure some like beach vibes and some, find peace in religious places. Nietzsche’s political sympathies have been called “aristocratic,” which is accurate enough only if one does not confuse the term with European royalty, landed gentry, old money or the like and if one keeps in mind the original Greek meaning of the term, “aristos,” which meant “the good man, the man with power.” A certain ambiguity exists, for Nietzsche, in the term “good man.” On the one hand, the modern, egalitarian “good man,” the “last man,” expresses hostility for those types willing to impose measures of rank and who would dare to want greatness and to strive for it. How, one might ask, are these cosmological intuitions derived? Also, Birth of Tragedy’s well-known dualism between the cosmological/aesthetic principles of Dionysus and Apollo, contesting and complimenting each other in the tragic play of chaos and order, confusion and individuation, strikes a familiar chord to readers acquainted with Schopenhauer’s description of the world as “will” and “representation.”. Would it diminish our willingness to make normative decisions? Should i do it by hand? But, Nietzsche insisted, in an intellectual climate that demands honesty in the search for truth and proof as a condition for belief, the absence of foundations has already been laid bare. Nihilism stands not only for that apparently inevitable process by which the highest values devalue themselves. Considering either a hand held belt sander or renting a square bus for $50 a day. 100% organic textiles. I worry about taking too much off with 50 or 60 grit. Yet, a flourishing life will still demand, one might imagine, being able to suspend, hide, or forget—at the right moments—the creation of values, especially the highest values.

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