Math 145a Lecture Notes Evan Chen Harvard College Fall 2014 This is Harvard College’s Math 145a, instructed by Peter Koellner. For more information, visit the current MQC Web page maintained by Yu_Wen Hsu ( The mathematics degree prepares students for careers in the corpora… The point location problem is a fundamental question in computational geometry. Math 51 Textbook The table of contents and page of applications near the start of the course text … Our findings reveal that OI behaves qualitatively differently than previously studied notions of indistinguishability. [6] In 2006, the class was 45 percent Jewish (5 students), 18 percent Asian (2 students), 100 percent male (11 students).[7]. [5] In contrast, Math 25 was more narrowly focused, usually covering real analysis, together with the relevant theory of metric spaces and (multi)linear maps. is the smart way to conquer math. This is then converted using a scoring chart to output your Math Section Score (between 200-800). These topics typically culminated in the proof of the generalized Stokes' theorem, though, time permitting, other relevant topics (e.g., category theory, de Rham cohomology) might also be covered. Tel: (617) 495-2171 Fax: (617) 495-5132. Digital Accessibility. Abstract: Ideas from physics have predicted a number of important properties of random constraint satisfaction problems such as the satisfiability threshold and the free energy (the exponential growth rate of the number of solutions). MATH 152: Discrete Mathematics If there are more than 16 applicants, we will give priority to the following: Current or prospective CS concentrators who plan to take CS 121 and/or 124 and who will take this course instead of CS 20 Enjoyment and understanding of the subject, as well as enthusiasm in teaching it, are greater when one is actively thinking about mathematics in one's own way. for any hyperplane h in R^d we may ask: “is x above or below h?”), our goal is to locate the cell containing x in as few queries as possible. We will explore the idea of universality in probability theory, as seen in the central limit theorem, in which wide and varied input distributions can all give identical limiting outputs. The Extension School offers the Math Question Center to help you out. Peer Advisors “5-dimensional shapes are hard to visualize, but it doesn’t mean you can’t think about them. Monday through Thursday, undergraduate concentrators, graduate students, fellows, and faculty from the Mathematics Department congregate in the common room at 4:00 for tea. Abraham Neyman . As of 2012, students may choose to enroll in either Math 25 or Mat… — and which increasingly form the basis for life-altering decisions. Our theoretical insights motivate a simple alternative to the cross-entropy objective that performs well on some linear classification tasks. An interesting generalization is to consider parametrized families of gapped systems, and the deformation classes of such families. [5] David Harbater, a mathematics professor at the University of Pennsylvania and student of the 1974 Math 55 section at Harvard, recalled of his experience, "Seventy [students] started it, 20 finished it, and only 10 understood it." Finally, there is your math score. Of the 75 students who enrolled in the 1970 offering, by course end, only 20 remained due to the advanced nature of the material and time-constraints under which students were given to work. In practice, this algorithm works well for k<=10 and gives orders of magnitude improvement over existing methods. **Note** Many of the math problems on this page can be found in my new book: The Green-Eyed Dragons and Other Mathematical Monsters. [1] In practice, students of Math 55 have usually had extensive experience in proof writing and abstract mathematics, with many being the past winners of prestigious national or international mathematical olympiads (such as USAMO or IMO). By developing high-performance quantum light sources, the multi-photon interference has been scaled up to implement Boson sampling with up to 76 photons out of a 100-mode interferometer, which yields a Hilbert state space dimension of 1030 and a rate that is 1014 faster than using the state-of-the-art simulation strategy on supercomputers. We provide nontrivial evidence for our proposals by exactly matching renormalization group invariant partition functions (twisted by all global symmetries). The Department of Mathematics welcomes gifts to a variety of funds, be they general-purpose funds to be used for the department’s greatest needs, donations in memory of our former colleagues, or for specific purposes. If you dig around the Harvard maths website, it discourages people from jumping to advanced courses too early, because you need a solid foundation in … Scratch." Some problems are new, and some are classics. Motivated by the relation between anomaly and topological/SPT order in one higher dimension, we propose a solution to the chiral fermion problem. Ball Packings with Periodic Constraints, with Robert Connelly and Jeffrey Shen, published in Discrete & Computational Geometry, 52.4 (2014). It is designed for students who arrive at Harvard with an extensive background in college level math. Cliques are important structures in network science that have been used in numerous applications including spam detection, graph analysis, graph modeling, community detection among others. People at the Harvard Mathematics Department . These problems can be restated and generalized in terms of (local/global) height functions, and I proved estimates on asymptotic behavior of height functions along orbits assuming Vojta’s conjecture. This is joint work with Brian Freidin. Start your search today. We will then explore examples of universality in random algebraic structures, such as random vector spaces over finite fields. The basic model is presented in the subsequent section. Please join to congratulate the Harvard's team for finishing second place in this year's Putnam competition. OI predictors yield a model of probabilities that cannot be efficiently refuted on the basis of the real-life observations produced by Nature. Existing techniques are (typically) able to count k-cliques for only up to k=5. ", Free as in Freedom: Richard Stallman's Crusade for Free Software,, "Honors Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra, Spring 2005, texts, homework, course outline", "Math 55: Rite of Passage for Dept. In 1970, for example, students studied the differential geometry of Banach manifolds in the second semester of Math 55. Building off of notions developed in complexity theory and cryptography, we introduce and study Outcome Indistinguishability (OI). The course is optional except for students who are required to complete the course as a condition of admission. This is a graduate-level algebra course. It has long been known that solving the point location problem on n hyperplanes in d-dimensions requires at least Omega(dlog(n)) queries. Based on joint work with Daniel Kane, Shachar Lovett, and Gaurav Mahajan. Math Refresher is an online course that is designed to help refresh your memory about math skills that will be helpful in your introductory biostatistics and epidemiology courses this summer. The best way to learn math is to do math. In this talk, I look at these invariants for the quintic threefold and I will explain how to compute them modulo 41, using the virtual localization formula under a finite group action, up to genus 19 and degree 40. [22], Math 55, along with several other high-level mathematics courses, was brought up by Dr. Spencer Reid in a 2015 episode of Criminal Minds entitled "Mr. A year ago, as high school seniors, math superstars across the country checked off the tiny “yes” box on Harvard’s acceptance reply postcard, partly motivated by this course. I will explain how one can possibly extend this connection to codimension 2 cycles, using the theory of Brauer groups, moduli of twisted sheaves, and twisted derived equivalences, and prove the Tate conjecture for K3 squares. For more information contact Robin Gottlieb at Office: 381G Office hours: Mon, Tues and Wed 9-11 AM email: yyang@math SUMO. This talk will describe the design of a controlled natural language for mathematics that has been influenced by the Lean theorem prover, by TeX, and by earlier controlled natural languages. As corollaries, I showed that Vojta’s conjecture implies the Dynamical Lang-Siegel conjecture for projective spaces (the sizes of coordinates grow in the same speed) and existence of primitive prime divisors in higher dimensional settings. The name was also changed to "Honors Abstract Algebra" (Math 55a) and "Honors Real and Complex Analysis" (Math 55b). Joint work with Cynthia Dwork, Omer Reingold, Guy N. Rothblum, Gal Yona; to appear at STOC 2021. Loomis and Sternberg's textbook Advanced Calculus,[10] an abstract treatment of calculus in the setting of normed vector spaces and on differentiable manifolds, was tailored to the authors' Math 55 syllabus and served for many years as an assigned text. Browse the Harvard Extension School Course Catalog for more than 900 open-enrollment courses in 60-plus subjects. Funding for this research was provided in part by Harvard Business School. Such phases – dubbed ersatz Fermi liquids –  share some (but not all) universal properties with Fermi liquids. Zoom: Emerton’s completed cohomology gives, at present, the most general notion of a space of p-adic automorphic forms. I will describe joint work with Yiannis Sakellaridis and Akshay Venkatesh, in which ideas originating in quantum field theory are applied to a problem in number theory.A fundamental aspect of the Langlands correspondence — the relative Langlands program — studies the representation of L-functions of Galois representations as integrals of automorphic forms. We also discuss some related issues, such as mass without mass term, and why ‘topological’ phase transitions are usually not “topological” phase transitions. The goal of the Mathematical Picture Language Project at Harvard is to reevaluate ways that one can use pictures, not only to gain mathematical insights, but also to prove mathematical theorems. This paper considers the following questions: (1) Why should learning the distribution of natural language help with downstream classification tasks? For security reasons, you are kindly asked to show your full name while joining the meeting. The graduate Mathematics Program at Harvard is designed for students who hope to become research mathematicians and show definite promise in this direction. [21], Demographics of students taking this course over the years have been used to study the causes of gender and race differences in the fields of mathematics and technology. Instructors for Math 55[11] and Math 25[9] have also selected Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis,[12] Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds,[13] Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right,[14] and Halmos's Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces[15] as textbooks or references. Namely, we rewrite the relative Langlands program as duality in the presence of supersymmetric boundary conditions. In algebra letters and other symbols are used to represent numbers in equations. Students in Math 1a, 1b, 21a, and 21b are encouraged to drop by. Moreover, I will also construct the dual torus fibration on its mirror. Department of Mathematics … AMERICAN CONFERENCE ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS (MATH '08), Harvard, Massachusetts, USA, March 24-26, 2008 ISSN: 1790-5117 343 ISBN: 978-960-6766-47-3. I will then show exactly[1] that this model when appended with a weak pairing interaction exhibits not only the analogue of Cooper’s instability but also a superconducting ground state, thereby demonstrating that a model for a doped Mott insulator can exhibit superconductivity. I'm a fifth year math graduate student at Harvard. Browse the latest online mathematics courses from Harvard University, including "Causal Diagrams: Draw Your Assumptions Before Your Conclusions" … Landau-Ginzburg orbifold is just another name for a holomorphic function W with its abelian symmetry G. Its Fukaya category can be viewed as a categorification of a homology group of its Milnor fiber. Thinking is the same as seeing” — William Thurston. Strominger–Yau–Zaslow conjecture predicts the existence of special Lagrangian fibrations on Calabi–Yau manifolds. In this introductory talk, we will start with some classical results on the topology of isolated singularities and its Fukaya-Seidel category. I will start with the conceptual origin of this model as requested by the organizer. [35], In the eighth episode of the seventh season of the television series "The Doctor," the protagonist Warren references Math 55 when describing the intelligence of his friend Erik. A mathematics club for undergraduates and graduate students meets every week at Mather House to dine and to … This talk will describe examples of such parametrized families and their physical properties in the bulk and at spatial boundaries. The official titles of the course are Honors Abstract Algebra (Math 55a) and Honors Real and Complex Analysis (Math 55b). More formally, given access to x via linear queries (i.e. Through 2006, the instructor had broad latitude in choosing the content of the course. In practice, the algorithm is orders of magnitude faster than even other parallel algorithms and makes clique counting feasible for a number of graphs for which clique counting was infeasible before. (2) Why do features learned using language modeling help solve downstream tasks with linear classifiers? If you answered all 52 questions correctly, you would have a raw score of 52. Then we consider the specific case of cubic fourfolds, and discuss the relation with Hodge theory. Go to for Zoom information. Harvard ranked second among the 570 participating institutions and Laura Pierson was named an Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize Winner, an award honoring the top-performing woman in the competition. However, there is little theoretical justification for their success. • Tointroduceyou … In … We will then discuss Maryam Mirzakhani’s computation of the “size” of the universe of all such metrics (the Weil-Petersson volume of the moduli space of complete hyperbolic metrics on a punctured torus). Also Diophantine equations or integration problems appear in this test. This series provides the necessary mathematical background for majors in all disciplines, especially for the Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical and Computational Science, Economics, and Engineering. The Mathematics and Applied Mathematics courses must be numbered 104 or … Harvard's Campus Get tickets to our next game, hours and locations for our libraries and museums, and information about your next career move. On the one hand, making essential of tropical methods it has been showed that both moduli spaces of curves of genus 22 and 23 are of general type (joint with D. Jensen and S. Payne). Math 55 is intense but a small portion of a typical UK degree at a good university. I would like to survey some of those works and the methods to study family of moduli spaces systematically. We will explain how this is connected to recent research on random integral matrices and distributions of class groups of number fields. The RG flow near the critical fixed point is qualitatively similar to the Kosterlitz-Thouless (KT) flow, but there are important differences, and so this MBL transition is in a universality class that is distinct from KT. Additional unexpected features of this model are that it exhibits a superconductivity-induced transfer of spectral weight from high to low energies and a suppression of the superfluid density as seen in the cuprates. The Five-foot Shelf of Books. As the second-place team, Harvard … Math 52 Daniel Bump. It is not intended to be a replacement from attending the remaining courses Harvard offers. Half of them are physics (the odd weeks), and half are math (the even weeks). Fluency in formulating and writing mathematical proofs is listed as a course prerequisite for Math 55, while such experience is considered "helpful" but not required for Math 25. Having demonstrated the existence of the MBL phase at strong disorder, under a level-statistics assumption, I will focus on the nature of the transition out of this phase, using an approximate strong-disorder renormalization group. In this talk, we will discuss how this happens and introduce the tensor potential, a function that encodes the heart of this relative theory. Results 2019-20 and later. We provide the exact math help you need with online test prep courses for over 100 standardized tests; tutoring and homework help for middle/high school and college math; and a complete homeschool math curriculum. Buy Harvard Classics. more. Gapped phases of matter, including topological and fracton phases, are deformation classes of gapped quantum systems, and exhibit a rich array of phenomena. Essentially, as k increases, the number of k-cliques goes up exponentially. This is based on a joint work with T. Collins and A. Jacob. On the other hand I will discuss a proof (joint with A. Verra) of the uniruledness of the moduli space of curves of genus 16. [18] Contrary to a 2006 article in The Harvard Crimson which alleged that only 17 women completed the class between 1990 and 2006,[6] 39 women completed 55a and 26 completed 55b. It is natural to study automorphisms of hypersurfaces in projective spaces. Previously, the official title was Honors Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra. Neither Applied Mathematics 21a nor 21b may count toward requirements 1a or 1b … Its running time is proportional to the size of an object called the Turán Shadow, which, for real-world graphs is found to be small. Zoom: In this talk, I will discuss a new approach to determine all possible orders of automorphisms of smooth hypersurfaces with fixed degree and dimension. Zoom: Math 25 and 55 differ from Math 23 in the level of outside work required: homework assignments in Math 25 and 55 are typically very time consuming. I will discuss the implications for understanding the strange metal physics observed in experiments . Typical students of Math 25 have also had previous exposure to proof writing through mathematical contests or university-level mathematics courses. However, graduates of the class are not forced to join the NSA, as the show states. As of 2012, students may choose to enroll in either Math 25 or Math 55 but are advised to "shop" both courses and have five weeks to decide on one. Some problems are new, and some are classics. The semantics are provided by dependent type theory. This means your total SAT score can range from 400-1600. Zoom: Clay Research Fellows are selected for their research achievements and their potential...Read This is a joint work with Chunyi Li and Laura Pertusi. Mott insulators  break this emergent symmetry. In particular, they are integers. I'm primarily interested in number theory. Office: 383CC Office hours: Mon 11-12, Tue 11-12, Fri 1-2 email: phone: 723-4011 Oren Antebi. Demystifying the Math of the Coronavirus ; Elon Kohlberg – Harvard Business School ; Abraham Neyman – Hebrew University of Jerusalem . Applied mathematics is an area of study within the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. If time permits, I will show its application to mirror symmetry of LG orbifolds and its Milnor fiber. This is joint work with Jake Solomon. We say that a II1factor M stably embeds into a II1 factor N if M may be realized as a subfactor of an amplification of N, not necessarily of finite index. The most striking of these is a divergent susceptibility of an observable that has the same symmetries as the loop current order parameter. Office: 381K Office hours: Mon 3-6, Wed 4:30-7:30 PM email: antebi@math.Stanford.EDU Yang Yang. Started with Floer’s work people start to obtain more sophisticated object such as groups, rings, or categories from (system of) moduli spaces. Analogously, genus zero open Gromov-Witten invariants count pseudo-holomorphic disks with natural boundary conditions. We show that they admit a symplectic resolution \tilde{M} which is a smooth projective hyperkaehler manifold deformation equivalent to the 10-dimensional example constructed by O’Grady. 's Elite Intimidates Many",, "Lecture notes for Math 55a: Honors Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra (Fall 2002)", "Lecture notes, etc., for Math 55b: Honors Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra (Spring 200[2-]3)", "Lecture notes for Math 55a: Honors Advanced Calculus and Linear Algebra (Fall 2005)", "Math 55b: Honors Real and Complex Analysis", "Lecture notes for Math 55a: Honors Abstract Algebra (Fall 2010)", "Lecture notes, etc., for Math 55b: Honors Real and Complex Analysis (Spring [2010-]2011)", "Lecture notes for Math 55a: Honors Abstract Algebra (Fall 2016)", "Criminal Minds Season 10 Episode 21: "Mr. Scratch" Quotes", In Math Department, It's Mostly Male, Harvard Crimson, Oct. 20, 1994, Math 55 student gets laid, considered for Fields Medal, Satire V (humor magazine), 2000, Burden of Proof, December 2006, Harvard Crimson,, Undergraduate education in the United States, Articles with dead external links from January 2018, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 22 December 2020, at 16:47. Abstract ; We provide … Classical, or closed, Gromov-Witten invariants count pseudo-holomorphic curves in a symplectic manifold. Compare Elkies course page (2005) and McMullen course page (2008). Designed by SmartSites, Speaker: Christian Johansson -, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Mathematical Physics Seminar: Fukaya category of Landau-Ginzburg orbifolds, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Computer Science for Mathematicians: Counting cliques in real-world graphs, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Strongly Correlated Quantum Materials and High-Temperature Superconductors Series: Beyond BCS: An Exact Model for Superconductivity and Mottness, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Domain Walls in 4d N=1 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Mathematical Physics Seminar: Congruences on K-theoretic Gromov-Witten invariants, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Computer Science for Mathematicians: Point Location and Active Learning – Learning Halfspaces Almost Optimally, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Strange metals as ersatz Fermi liquids: emergent symmetries, general constraints, and experimental tests, CMSA EVENT: CMSA New Technologies in Mathematics: A Mathematical Exploration of Why Language Models Help Solve Downstream Tasks, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Families of gapped systems and quantum pumps, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Mathematical Physics Seminar: Some new results on automorphisms of hypersurfaces, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Computer Science for Mathematicians: Outcome Indistinguishability, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Global Anomalies on the Hilbert Space, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: A solution to the chiral fermion problem, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Mathematical Physics Seminar: Full SYZ Conjecture for del Pezzo Surfaces and Rational Elliptic Surfaces, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Math Science Literature Lecture Series, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Computer Science for Mathematicians: Learning-Based Support Size Estimation in Sublinear Time, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Colloquium: Electric-Magnetic Duality for Periods and L-functions, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: A Riemann sum of quantum field theory: lattice Hamiltonian realization of TQFTs, CMSA EVENT: CMSA New Technologies in Mathematics: A Mathematical Language, CMSA EVENT: CMSA Quantum Matter in Mathematics and Physics: Exploring Non-Supersymmetric String Theory, Alexander Smith Awarded Clay Research Fellowship, Read There is a long standing connection between the Tate conjecture in codimension 1 and finiteness properties, which first appeared in Tate’s seminal work on the endomorphisms of abelian varieties. We present the analysis of the model and the derivation of the characteristic function in the third section. Zoom: Harvard ranked second among the 570 participating institutions and Laura Pierson was named an Elizabeth Lowell Putnam Prize Winner, an award honoring the top-performing woman in the competition. The organization of this paper is as follows. The divergence of the correlation length corresponds to critical exponent ν →∞, but the divergence is weaker than for the KT transition. Algebra studies how equations involving a mix of numbers and symbols can be manipulated and rearranged. Home; About; People; Courses; Undergrad; Graduate; Research; Admin; Events; Seminars; Conferences; Sitemap; Harvard Mathematics Department People Department of Mathematics FAS Harvard University One Oxford Street Cambridge MA 02138 USA Tel: (617) 495-2171 Fax: (617) 495-5132 All people; Faculty, Staff; … For Math, there are 58 questions. Ted Kaczynski Kaczynski after his capture in 1996 Born Theodore John Kaczynski (1942-05-22) May 22, 1942 (age 78) Chicago, Illinois, U.S. Other names Unabomber, FC Occupation Mathematics professor Notable work Industrial Society and Its Future (1995) Criminal status Incarcerated at USP Florence ADMAX, #04475-046 Relatives David Kaczynski (brother) … The elementary excitations of this superconductor are not linear combinations of particle and hole states but rather are superpositions of doublons and holons, composite excitations signaling that the superconducting ground state of the doped Mott insulator inherits the non-Fermi liquid character of the normal state. Many, if not all,   non-Fermi liquids will have the same realization of emergent symmetry as a Fermi liquid (even though they could have very different dynamics). In particular, we will describe a family of one-dimensional systems that realizes a Chern number pump, which can change the quantized Chern number of a zero-dimensional family placed at its boundary. **Note** Many of the math problems on this page can be found in my new book: The Green-Eyed Dragons and Other Mathematical Monsters. Scott D. Kominers, familiar with the stated attrition rates for the course, decided to keep an informal log of his journey through the 2009 section: "...we had 51 students the first day, 31 students the second day, 24 for the next four days, 23 for two more weeks, and then 21 for the rest of the first semester after the fifth Monday" (the beginning of the fifth week being the drop deadline for students to decide whether to remain in Math 55 or transfer to Math 25). Password: The order of the permutation group on 9 elements. Harvard University Department of Mathematics Science Center Room 325 1 Oxford Street Cambridge, MA 02138 USA. [19] Math 25 has more women: in 1994–95, Math 55 had no women, while Math 25 had about 10 women in the 55-person course. Warren recounts how, "out of the forty students in the class, Erik was the only one who didn't get 'chunked'."[36]. Beat the System Opinion: The math on reparations: total cost of $51 trillion and a tripling of the national debt Published: June 27, 2019 at 4:52 a.m. Alexander Smith, 2020 Ph.D. recipient, has been named a 2021 Clay Research Fellow. Combined with a few experimental observations, I will show that these general model-independent considerations lead to concrete predictions[2] about a class of strange metals. Another prediction is the condensation regime where most of the solutions are contained in a small number of clusters and the overlap of two random solutions is concentrated on two points. I will argue that this model can be thought of a fixed point for Mottness. I posted a problem here, each week from 2002 to 2004. The understanding of individual probabilities in the context of such unrepeatable events has been the focus of intense study for decades within probability theory, statistics, and philosophy. "Harvard Mathematics Department 21, 23, 25, or 55? In this talk, we study certain moduli spaces of semistable objects in the Kuznetsov component of a cubic fourfold. Obtaining the counts of k-cliques in real-world graphs with millions of nodes and edges is a challenging problem due to combinatorial explosion. Please join to congratulate the Harvard's team for finishing second place in this year's Putnam competition. How to Declare the Math Major. Zoom: In particular, genus zero Gromov-Witten invariants count pseudo-holomorphic spheres. Math 55 is a faster paced course and covers topics more deeply. Students in Math M may visit the Math M study center in SC 216 from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. Sundays through Thursdays. I will discuss the proof of many new cases of this conjecture, using a mixture of techniques from p-adic and real geometry. Then, leveraging recently-developed machinery for proving average-case fine-grained hardness, we obtain lower bounds on the complexity of the more stringent forms of OI. We consider the problem of estimating the number of distinct elements in a large data set from a random sample of its elements. The problem occurs in many applications, including biology, genomics, computer systems and linguistics. The hardness result provides scientific grounds for the political argument that, when inspecting algorithmic risk prediction instruments, auditors should be granted oracle access to the algorithm, not simply historical predictions. A line of research spanning the last decade resulted in algorithms that estimate the support up to $\pm \epsilon n$ from a sample of size $O(\log^2(1/\epsilon) \cdot n/\log n)$, where $n$ is the data set size.

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