Potencies like 30, 200, 1m are made.The Is erectile problem solve by lycopodium1m, Hi I am sachin I am suffering from constipation and gases since last 3 years. Now a chronic kidney disease for the last 3 years with creatinine level of 4 . Our experts can assist you in choosing the Pl advise me about medicine, potency and dose frequency. Nux Vomica 200 potency is helpful for constipation. is lycopodium is helpful for constipation. A temporary solution for Pills/tabules/tablets: When the liquid is put on the pills Spasmodic constriction of the anus prevents stool to be expelled. Right-sided sciatica, painful corns, and callosities on soles, toes, and fingers, a feeling where one foot feels hot and one foot feels cold are other symptoms. SHE IS 25 YEARS OLD MY MEAN SHE IS 20 YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME SINCE NOW A MONTHS AGO MY SEXUAL LIKENESS V V V POOR AND ALSO PERFORMANCE IS V V V V BAD THERE IS NO STANDING POSITION AVAILABLE IN MY PENIS BEFORE TO WISH IF ANY EARLY IN THE MORNING PENIS GOT STANDING POSITION BUT THE TIME WAS INTER COURSE LESS THAN 1 MNT, CAN U GUIDE ME ABOUT LYCOPODIUM 10M OR OTHER, TO GOT HEALTH Digestive problem feel also Eyes problem also appearing in my life, I used lycopodium 5 drops after 1 weak in some water Advise me better way of dose and alternate. Trust So may i know how long should I take Lycopodium Clavatum 30. Can this mediciene work on hai problems like white hairs? It is also used to treat a dry, burning sensation in the vagina which gets worse during and after sexual intercourse. What do you suggest. No STRESS about paymentWe REFUND immediately Medical Doctor also advise us for dialysis but my mom refuse to do this. Urine is slow in coming, and the person must strain to pass it. Tincture/ Mother Tinctures : This is the basic form with It is used in instances where there is a discharge of prostatic fluid without an erection. be stored near other medicines(allopathy) or strong smelling Suffering from Gastric problem and bloating in lower abdomen also have small bulge on naval(may be umbilical hernia) also have kidney stone problem for last 15 years stone pass frequently and have size below 10 mm , no uric acid problem. My grandson is suffering from ASD. Order medicines online. He told my digestive system is very slow. which homeopathic medicine will be helpful for me or combination of medicine will be of help. He has a fear of being alone, and of his shadows. Sometimes may turn asthmatic and breathing problem. The menses may be suppressed for months. Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . It is also useful for ailments that stem from domineering parents or siblings. ingredients are extracted carefully in accordance with the Homeopathy Remedy finder is a free comprehensive resource derived from company clinical repertory indexes to help you access most common medical conditions, identified by symptoms and indexed in a alphabetical manner. If they are suggested to take Homo medicines, they will be free from all above said problems and will get immediate and without side effect cure from UTI. . while keeping all are organs safe and healthy. On allopathic treatment & diet restriction. Why buy on H4ALL? My son is 26 days old. Not all medicines are used in this form. I was told it might be my gall bladder. The first part of the stool is difficult to expel, while the last part is thin and gushing. If food is not eaten regularly, the headache becomes worse. Myself Ashok Kumar, age 58 yrs from Delhi. Lycopodium covers many symptoms of the complaints which are gastric in origin. After some allopathic treatment I was feeling better. i also have dim vision and night blindness since long time. Raspected sir I have been suffering from constipation for some years. I am 80. Merc Sol: Homeopathic medicine for toothache with excess saliva, offensive odour in mouth. pls advice. But again & again facing same problem. It belongs to the Lycopodiaceae family and is commonly found in the hilly pastures and heaths of Central and Northern Europe, Russian Asia and North America. Kidney colic with stinging, tearing, digging pain in the right ureter that travels to the bladder as if some small calculus was tearing its way to the bladder is present. I read your information on Lycopodium and wonder if I have misunderstood your writings about Kidney Stones taking Lycopodium. We do not claim to cure any disease which is considered' incurable ' on the basis of scientific facts by modern medicine .The website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. But I don’t know of which potentcy I have to take . Sometime ago one of my friends suggested taking Lycopodium. liquids, perfumes etc. Intercourse is extremely painful, and there may be profuse leucorrhoea (white discharge) with cutting pains across the right side to left with flatulence. Can use or should Consult Homeo Physician about using of the above medicine. One & half yr back my prostate was found normal. Cell No.9444007681. After a personal research I discovered that what is common to those foods is that they contain phosphorus. patients. What about dissolving left sided kidney stone? More when I meet you and take your treatment Regards Ashok kohlu, Dear sir, I’m 35. I took allopathy by psychologists much more time but did not get parmanent cure.I have two children .My penis is short and I am now unable to intercorse. Last one year I am facing too much irritation while burping. What would be a good choice for this condition. I want a herbal or homeopathy solutions to these. I’m dealing with a 3.2cm Acoustic Neuroma, Graves Disease (Hyperthyroidism) an Heart Aneurysm, leaking heart valves with a Heart-Murmur and a enlarged Prostate with frequent urgencies at night, as many as 8 times at night. –I urinate almost 30times in a day. Creams/Ointments : More a modern day demand for external Sir, I am 42 years old, suffering acidity and feeling hot in my stomach More than five yeats, and also suffering from constipation. Buy Medicines Online: 1mg is an online pharmacy in your pocket; you’ll never have to run from one pharmacy to the next again. Homeopathic expert remedy finder . Treatment For Kidney Stone. I do not have diabetes but having high BP (taking one TELMA 40mg tab daily). I m having hair loss… What potency of lycopodium should be used n how? Right-sided headaches, pain that begins on one side and goes to the other where it is worse, pain in the head with ravenous hunger which gets better after eating are the classic symptoms indicating towards Lycopodium. Very strong desire but weak erection. He has liver cysts and jaundice. Disfunctions In Males, Homeopathic There is constriction of the throat that is always induced by regurgitation of food. Kindly advise me which medicine to take for cure this sympom. of them are stored in amber colour glass bottles. I am 59 year old male with diabetes from 15 years. Hi Dr sharma I have this bloting problem for years now, it could be IBS or something else. There is extreme sensitivity to noise and odors. Small, white, pedunculated warts on the chin may also be present. Also taking Lycopodium 200 for many stomach and digestion problems and for minute gallstone. they get old and having said all this I have to say that rarely If you need any other information, i will provide as and when ask. Thanks. Anxiety I am 73 year old and using BP medicines from last 25 years. So I am on gluten free diet for 5 months now, but the problem of bloting and gas is there. Trust is an important aspect of homeopathy medicine manufacturing.. Our experts can assist you in choosing the homeopathic products that you wish to buy or answer … Sir, Good Morning. Hello sujata no need to go for any medicine.bcoz of his penis hole note open properly he cries .my son has same problem.i go for urologist pediatrician n he pull back his penis skin .it take few second n within minute i come back frm doctors cabin. Neurosis, Bronchial Thanks for broad homeopathic knowledge a such as Lycopodium and sepia also. have their power gone due to these factors. Homeopathic medicines are effective even if Thanks and regards, डॉ जी इधर करीब 15 दिन से पेशाब करते हुए पहिले करीब आधा चम्मच ब्लड मिला पेशाब आता है फिर ठीक आता है। रात में करीब 4 बार जाना पड़ता है। उम्र 68 की है। हाई बी पी भी है। किडनी में स्टोन आया थ। दवाइयां लेने के बाद दोबारा अल्ट्रासाउंड नही कराया। पानी जब भी पीटा हूँ उसके आधे घण्टे बाद ही पेशाब जाना पड़ता है। पेशाब दिन में भी जल्दी जल्दी जाता हूँ। इधर हर्निया भी हो गई है और बाएं तरफ हैड्रोशील भी करीब 30 सालों से है। निवेदन है कि कोई निदान बताए।, Hi, I am Kidney disease patient though I am not on dialysis because creatinine test required by my doctor shows my creatinine is within normal. His bilirubin levels are high and he is having constipation of which his stools are very pale. I am living with viagra for last 8 years can you advise me homeo therapy for my problem best regards, Dear Sir, Thank you very much for explaining Lycopodium in detail and the main characteristics is this works well in right side. Does lycopodiun help to cure the csts? I have visited doctor of Alopathy for problem of constipation. Lycopodium is antidoted by homeopathic remedies Camphor, Pulsatilla, Causticum, Aconite, Coffea, and Graphites. Many symptoms of Lycopodium of brain and digestion are similar . and Immunity, Dialysis Complaints usually aggravate after consumption of flatulent foods like cabbage, beans, and onions. Hi I am 57 years male I had one heart attack in 2000 abcess in lever in 1994 constipation & gastic can I use Lycopodium 200 how many dose should I take. An excessive appetite that gets satiated easily, eating a small amount of food that creates fullness are characteristic features. Usage keeps our environment Dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain) is so violent that it leads to fainting. suggest any remedy and oblige. The person cannot eat to satiety as it produces a distressing feeling in the hepatic (liver) region. Hello Sir! numbness and stiffness are at extreme. But after some days issues started again. Pills should be placed on tongue as Rawness and skin abrasions around the anus that bleed easily and feels itchy and moist is a common symptom. What potency of lycopodium should be used to treat ED. May pl. Sir I have left side ingenual hernia since last ten years. I have not been diagnosed yet with Prostate Cancer. urens, Pareira brava and others are used in mother tincture forms. In homeopathy, it is believed that every person has a particular constitution. Lycopodium shows good action in cases of female problems. Pl. Dr sahab mujhe pichle 7 se 8 days bilkul bhukh nahi lagta hay . Flatulence presses outwardly on the rectum and bladder, and there is a sensation as if something is moving up and down in the bowels. Please suggest a medicine & if I have to take lycopodium what potency should I buy & what dose I should take . Lycopodium works well in cases where one is experiencing failing brain power and confused thoughts. "Homeopathic Pharmocopia" of the country where it is sourced. Burning in the rectum is present during and after passing stool. This is ali here.38 yrs old.i am suffering from urine problem especially at night have to go repeatedly wash room even i drink littile water. study. Symptoms run characteristically from right to left side of the body. Stool is mostly semi solid only. Please prescribed what you have i can take to help me with the above, ill be greatly appreciated. Marked constipation may be present since puberty, when away from home, in infants, with ineffectual urging. Hi Doctor, for acidity and prostate enlargement,what potency of Lycopodium and at what intervals nd what dose I need to take ..any combination of other drugs I need to take. I have disc circumferential disc bulging at C4-C5, C5-C6 and C6-C7 and L3-L4 and L4-L5 levels. My blood report indiated i might have wheat allergy. Impotence from masturbation, sexual excess or advancing age may occur. I have some big cysst in left side kidney, and two small cyst in right side kidney. I have similar symptoms and taking following after prescription of doctor. if your product not available or you cancel the order before it is There are deposits of lithic acid in small quantities in the kidneys which can result in the formation of stones. 2. A vision that quickly broadened up and helped it in becoming more than just a mere online portal, to an online marketplace for shopping Ayurvedic to Homeopathy to Unani medicines to Health Supplements and much more. Iam 53 years old male. I never get complete bowel movement, always a feeling of incomplete evacuation. advise some medicine so that I can recover from this problem. Dear Doctor, I am suffering from rheumatoid arthritis since 2013, I am having constipation since my young stage. Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines. Belchings tend to rise only up to pharynx. I think this is due to over masturbation in my childhood . I am having also urinary tract infection. Emaciation and debility occur from loss of fluids in the morning. Nux Vomica 200 10 drops at night before sleep. I am a heart patient also. It is convenient and easy to give and take the Greetings of the day. The person requiring lycopodium is generally fearful. I am 70 year old male suffering from hypertension for last 30 years & diabetes type 2 for 12 years. i cannot walk. She is although type-2 diabetic but her sugar is always in control. very small babies, pregnant women, old people, challenged people. The sciatica is so severe that the person cannot bear to lie on the painful side. I have deceased penile erections, low libido along with enlargement of prostate gland. It antidotes the action of homeopathic remedy Cinchona Officinalis. The upper part of the body is emaciated whereas the lower part of the body is characterized by the collection of an excess of watery fluid. I have single kidney. –I am anaemic (RBC count is 29.2 , PCV is 26.9%, Haemoglobin (Hb) is 9.4gm/dl. cats, horses, cattle, crops , plants . Early age excessive mastubation may be one of the cause I also suffered hepatites c 10 years ago which is negative now. Heavy red sediment may be present in the urine, and the urine has a nauseating smell. effective. A weakness of memory, inability to remember names and letters, spelling or writing words or syllables incorrectly and experiencing difficulty in speaking during conversations are classic signs. They should not Lycopodium is a low creeping perennial plant. There I will contact you personally in Chandigarh. Just Small querry before I meet, can lycopodium 30′ be given daily. He has a fear of public speaking, failure, success, new situations, commitments, and responsibility. From last 4 to 5 years I am getting problem of immediate discharge on intercourse and can not enjoy sexual process. Only few medicines like Arnica, Badiaga, Urtica Your safety is our top priority. SBL Homeopathy Medicines Clinical Repertory Index; Homeo Sundry. Tympanitic distension of abdomen is present. I have maximum symptoms that match with lycopodium. I have low blood pressure which is 64/104. Or suggest you alternate medicine/product in Flatulence after eating.stomach becomes full with less food. This is the composition, structure, physical makeup and nature of a person. Every time, after urinating I feel my throat to be dry and hence need to take one/more glass of water. It works wonderfully in cases of gastralgia (neuralgic pain in the stomach) and gastritis (inflammation of stomach lining). Grinding sound in joints when moving and pop up sound if they are idle for 10-15 min.mind is anxious and gets irritated to the slightest of wrong things. –I cannot get the real taste of food(metallic taste or what can be described as highly coated tongue) –I have serious lower back pain especially lower left back. selection of potency depends on the pathology and the homeopaths delicate configuration care should be taken for its storage. I walk for half hour and also do other exercises regularly. They immediately advised for stetting procedure and asked to treat as in-patient. Kidney shaped cases include spores of one kind only and are borne on the upper surface of the leaf blade of specialized leaves. You can also order Ayurvedic, Homeopathic and other Over-The-Counter (OTC) health products. Lycopodium acts very well in cases of hair loss by preventing further loss of hair and initiating hair growth. Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines mentioned including services , mentioned at Drhomeo.com should be used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. Homeopathic medicines are natural, safe and Can be safely taken without homeopathy consulting doctor. This is going on with me for last 4 years. Take (1) LYCOPODIUM 30-10 ml sealed bottle-2 Drops in 1 tsf water daily at 6am, 630am,7am before breakfast (2) ACID SULPH 30-10 ml sealed bottle-2 Drops in 1 tsf water daily before lunch & dinner (3) ROBINIA Q 60 ML-20 Drops in 1/4 cup of water morning night daily after meals (4) Y LAX TAB- 20 tabs-2 tabs with 1/2 glass of Luke warm water daily night at bedtime till constipation persists. I have been treated 3 times in the hospital for small intestines blockage. If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. Still no harm, but I am in search of effective homoeopathic medicine. My mom is a diabetic and she was also facing the problem of kidney disease and some one advice us to consult a homeopathic doc. Please suggest. Dear Doctor I am having brain zaps as I left using antidepressent one and half month ago and now brain zaps are killing me I get electric shock like feeling in head and seizures feeling jaisay jhatka parta hai does homeopathic have any medicine for this. Feels exhausted & likes to remain in rest. The patient feels hungry immediately after eating, though the stomach and abdomen are full and tense. I have viewed video by Dr.Jawahar Shah MD on Lycopodium. No acid reflux, Please suggest I shall be highly thankful to your good self, My wife from last one month has developed a problem of going for urination 4-5 times at nights, disturbing her sleep. sources like plants, animals, minerals and many more. unpolluted and clean. Lycopodium has always proven its efficacy in treating the cases of sciatica. Conditions associated with Lycopodium are Calculus with hematuria ( blood in urine) from gravel or chronic catarrh and urination of clotted blood with renal colic during the passage of small calculi. Derangement of stomach occurs from consumption of sweets and pastries. For last few years I am experiencing the following problem : At night I am to get up 3/4 times for urinating. New situations, commitments, and the second is the composition, structure, physical and. Treated 3 times in 24 hour gastric in origin thrice even on the by... Kidney stones taking lycopodium plant known as Clubmoss or Wolf ’ s weight please suggest me a homeopathic before. ( neuralgic pain in limbs, along with irresistible dribbling of urine causes... Gas formation, bloating and mild acidity levels are high and he is having constipation of which potentcy have... Or diabetes history as and when ask suggested me to give Aconite 30 & lycopodium in! 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