Shadowverse - Budget … Close Shadowverse and navigate to … In today's JCG, we see the meta stabilizing a bit, with Shadow and Rune coming out on top. Hot New Top. As a dirt rune player, using vergewalker and madcap to clear board for consecutive turns is usually not enough because shadow can fill board very easily. Cookies help us deliver our Services. So, long story short, if your opening hand has both ramp and Phoenix Roost, you can use your card draw however you want, but if you have a Resplendent Phoenix with no Roost or with (little to) no ramp, you have to be a little more careful about your sequencing. Welcome to the 18th edition of the Shadowverse Meta Snapshot! This combo-midrange deck packed with explosive turns heavily dictates the JCG meta, with few clear counters. As always, remember to be respectful of others opinion and most importantly : Shadoba Tanoshii! Iceschillendrig with his more coloured glasses for example is a good example of that. If you have Shadowverse Portal data linked with this Google account, it will be over written. By Marcus Orchard on January 17, 2020 Video Game Features, Video Games . If you’re going first and already keeping 2 cards (e.g., a ramp card and a Goblin Mage/Phoenix), it’s also fine to keep a removal spell for your turn 4, such as Sneer of Disdain against Portal or Sudden Showers against Haven. Aggro Shadow isn’t the most complex of decks, and its game plan generally involves playing the biggest follower in your hand on every turn, attacking the opponent and trying to avoid trading to the best of your ability. last day I was at 11 hp, during the turn 2~3, an exception, but who still exist #1. All deck slots are full. Identifying cards: Alistair, Tiny Magus, Chain of Calling, Demoncaller, Crystal Fencer, Kuon, Founder of Onmyodo, Dimension Shift. The list is for the Unlimited Format and is subject to update anytime. Here is a clip of it from twitter of it in action : Day 1 Date: June 4, 2021 ... Dec 28th, 2020 Promotions Shadowverse x Granblue Fantasy Tie-in. Last updated: October 19th 2020 The list is for the Rotation Format and is subject to update anytime. Today's Top 16 is exclusively Loxis Forest, and decks able to contest it. < > Showing 1-10 of 10 comments . Gremory (a.k.a. Previously, the deck used to commonly include Path to Purgatory as its primary finisher, which was enabled using the combination of Minthe and Sonata of Silence to get to the necessary Shadow threshold, and frequently included cards like Ghostly Grasp to have additional ways to combo out the opponent. Dimension Shift Rune is a combo deck that utilizes its titular card, Dimension Shift to close out games. Indeed. In essence, you have 6 effective copies of Rivaylian Bandit in your deck that you can put into play on turn 1 and then start snowballing it with various efficient buff cards, with some notable inclusions being Armor of the Stars (stops Rune from interacting with it) and the rest of the deck is mostly comprised of enough buffs to keep the Bandit train rolling. Identifying cards: Mystic Ring, Goblin Mage, Sneer of Disdain, Sudden Showers, Clash of Heroes, Ramiel, Princess Knight. 6. Jul 26, 2020 @ 8:32am what kills it for me is the need to have a ginormous finisher even before turn 10. Buff/Aggro (a.k.a. Identifying cards: Hungering Horde, Azazel, the Depraved, Archangel of Evocation, Sanguine Core, Angelic Smite, Resolve of the Fallen, Diabolic Drain. Received the Helpful Award and more in the past 30 days, Press J to jump to the feed. Bike Dragon has fallen from its top seat in the meta, leaving the other decks in Tier 1 in a very tight head-to-head race against each other. Identifying cards: Zooey, Arbiter of the Skies, Dragon-Devouring Dread, Genesis Dragon of Disaster, Pumpkin Dragon, Resplendent Phoenix, Wind Reader Zell. The top 24 qualifying players from around the world will gather in Japan to vie for the top prize of 1,000,000 USD*! Identifying cards: Rivaylian Bandit, Everlasting Castle, Quixotic Adventurer, Wandering Chef, Fount of Angels, Princess Vanguard, Angelic Knight. I am of the belief that, The Radiant Artifact setup is not something that you can reliably set up in every single game that you play, so it’s not uncommon for Artifact Portal lists to include 1-2 damage cards that can either contribute to the Radiant Artifact gameplan or compliment the archetype in other ways. Shield Guardians weren't feeling too good that day! There are two primary builds of the archetype: the Dragon-Devouring Dread shell, which runs Genesis Dragon of Disaster, Ghandagoza, Pumpkin Dragons, 3xDagon and 2-3xZell, which means that the win condition for the DDD shell is generally the Dagon combo; and the “vanilla” Zooey shell, which often runs a playset of Ian, Dragon Buster to repeatedly bounce Zooey, which allows it to stall for longer. These decks are ranked according to their consistency and power level. Private Match Megathread. 1 year ago. I liked this arc but I'm glad it's done with and we're moving on to a final conclusion. Tyrant) Shadow is a combo deck that utilizes Gremory refunds to set up lethal with some combination of Deathly Tyrants and Necroimpulse. After the fall of the twice-balance-adjusted Skullfane, the astral and physical worlds were unified, bringing about the influx of long-lost creatures of legend: demonic tiger-like beasts rallying the troops, long-forgotten heroes of Greek myths, Steadfast warriors of the East, donning enchanted armor that made them impervious to harm; legendary castles rose up as if from thin air to serve as the format’s final stronghold against the encroaching scourge of malign undead creatures flooding into the interstice from the astral world. Delete an existing deck before you create a new one. Posted by 4 months ago. The general goal is to end the chain on a Shion (or two), however, there are two specific combo setups to be aware of: firstly, there’s the early-game proactive setup, that involves setting up a 12-14-power board with simply Analyzing Artifacts and a Shion, usually done on turns 3-4. by ManaSurge Admin July 27, 2020. Shadowverse Anime Discussion : Episode 42 by ImperialDane in Shadowverse [–] ImperialDane [ S ] 3 points 4 points 5 points 2 days ago (0 children) So we went from Lap-pillows with Nice Isabelle Onee-san and Kazuki to Dominant Onee-sama wanting to do forbidden … The list is for the Unlimited Format and is subject to update anytime. I really loved Erika's story and wanted to main Swordcraft and invest my vials into it. Best game design ever. In recent times, the format has gotten a lot more aggressive, so the Minthe + Sonata builds have been gradually getting pushed out by Altered Fate lists, as the deck has more than enough damage to close out games with just 3xTyrants and 3xNecroimpulse, and the Altered Fate build is faster (since it doesn’t need to take a 4-mana setup turn) and allows you to fit in more defensive tech cards. This tutorial works on W7 and 8/8.1, W10 has a special command for symlinks (check google). I am a new player. JCG Top 16 (12th Season Vol.2 January 4th, 2020 Rotation) Tournament Report. Aug 18th, 2020 Miscellaneous Changes to Cards in the August 19 Update; Aug 18th, 2020 Promotions New Story: Fate's Trigger Release Bonus! Identifying cards: Restless Parish, Bloodfed Flowerbed, Disciple of Lust, Antelope Pelt Warrior, Contemptuous Demon, Scrappy Werewolf, Creeping Madness, Prison of Pain, Corrupting Bloodlust, Flauros, Knight of Purgatory, Rouge Vampire, Valareik, Omen of Lust. Meta Rep Fitness, Ashburn, Virginia. Flauros Blood was one of the decks that I was extremely excited about after the set release, but the deck has 2 major issues in its current iteration: on the one hand, hitting yourself in the face 7+ times to set up your midgame pay-offs is a game plan that Daria Rune and Aggro Shadow are very happy to see from their opponents: if you’re going second and get a bit too excited about Flowerbeds, you can literally be dead on turn 4 against Aggro Shadow, and other depressing interactions (e.g., between Shadow Reaper and Gift for Bloodkin) make Flauros Blood an awkward deck for the currently aggressive Unlimited meta. Shadowverse Korea Open. 5. They each have some sort of weapon representing their designated number. New Shadowverse World Grand Prix 2020 Schedule; Dec 28th, 2020 Promotions Shadowverse x Granblue Fantasy Tie-in; Dec 16th, 2020 Items Leader Card Guaranteed! Float Portal list featured in the July 18, 2020 edition of the Tempo Storm Shadowverse Meta Snapshot. The deck did get a bit of help from recent card sets with cards like Wandering Chef/Will/ Set/Fluffy Angel/Io, Journeymage, so it ‘s certainly more efficient than some of the prior variants of the archetype, but I still get the impression that the deck is extremely polarized and not exactly something I’d bet on going forward: I can pick up my Artifact Portal list from 5 months ago and it’s still going to be a fine deck, but I wouldn’t really expect the Elana boom to last more than a month. Identifying cards: Sacred Stone Apostle, Ramiel, Anre, the Enlightened One, Sarissa, Luxflash Spear, Enchanted Knight, Wilbert, Grand Knight, Saintly Leader, Feather Rush. In addition to the conventional aggressive Bandit builds, there’s also variants of the deck playing a package of Proven Methodology, Unsheathed Blade and Dionne, which limits you to playing only Neutral and Commander cards (to consistently fetch up Dionne with Methodology), but potentially represents a 14+ damage 2-card combo as early as turn 5. Queued this into unranked just for fun to test it out. 3. 1 year ago. ), so Midrange Sword actually has a surprisingly decent matchup against Shadow and can thus steal match wins in Conquest formats. In practice, this ratio is a bit more slanted towards Radiant Artifacts due to the fact that you generally get extra Analyzing Artifacts from Syntonization/Artifact Scan and can’t always get a Radiant Artifact out of those cards, but it’s a close enough approximation. The catch with Rhinoceroach combos is that in the context of the Unlimited format, you really can’t afford to do all of that setup: there are certainly ways to build the archetype in a manner similar to a control shell with Flower of Fairies/Aria’s Whirlwind/etc., and just win games with enough Wisps and bounce effects, but that build of the deck is just too slow. Today's Top 16 is exclusively Loxis Forest, and decks able to contest it. Going second, you can also keep Resplendent Phoenix instead of Roost. Going second, this setup obviously requires you to ramp once, but the combo is relatively safe (you’re removing two followers from the opponent’s side of the board and you’re not playing Phoenix Roost, so you’re not discounting the opponent’s whole hand) and extremely fast for a combo deck (it’s a 2-card combo that wins after the opponent’s turn 5), although the deck is still pretty vulnerable to hyper-aggro decks. But, Shadowverse is one of the best anime in 2020 that is still going on. By Marcus Orchard on January 17, 2020 Video Game Features, Video Games . Each episode comes with its own suspense and action. The issue with such a construction of the archetype is that you’re playing a lot of bad cards (e.g., early builds ran Ramiel, Bahamut, Draconic Fervor, Embodiment of Cocytus) and awkward removal spells that don’t do much in the early game against Amulet Haven, and the big issue is that you needed to start your turn with 7 open mana and a Phoenix Roost in play, which is not terribly realistic for a format as cutthroat as Unlimited. This combination of factors, even in the absense of Shady Priest/Anvelt/Skullfane decks, make the archetype more of a complete Sportaflop. by ManaSurge Admin October 19, 2020. Some have them, some do not. The second issue with the archetype is the Knight of Purgatory “bug” (could be an intentional interaction, but it’s not really clear), where the Wrath condition is checked before the end-of-turn phase, so if you go into Wrath range with Prison of Pain/Flowerbed or any of the pinging 2-drops, KoP doesn’t get invoked, which means that Knight of Purgatory is often effectively delayed by a turn, which puts a damper on the performance of the archetype. The most common choice for this slot is, The early-game drops of Selena/Summit decks don’t have a concrete “best” configuration, so there is a fair bit of wiggle room in the, With the format being as aggressive as it currently is, Control Blood doesn’t really need an actual win condition outside of invoked. Ilya Grief :3. 13 comments. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Are you sure you want to proceed? There can only be a maximum of 3 copies of… Shadowverse - Budget Decks for All Classes. I think there is a fair bit of unexplored potential in various Castle/Bandit and Methodology/Unsheathed Blade Sword shells, these decks are mostly unexplored due to the fact that nobody plays Sword in Unlimited, but if there is a more flashy enabler for these Sword packages in the future, it could be a direction for Unlimited Sword decks to optimize. I am far from being the most practiced Roach player, of course, but I still keep having games in which I miscounted my damage, and while some of these cases are outside of my control (when you draw a card that changes your sequence, the numbers are obviously going to change accordingly), there is nevertheless a lot of things going on when playing Loxis/Roach Forest, so it’s not exactly an easy deck to pick up, even compared to some of the more convoluted and APM-sensitive decks of the Unlimited format (e.g., Artifact Portal and Axeman Sword, which is totally a real deck). In order to get to casting your big flashy 6-mana Laboratory Maniac, the deck utilizes the combo of Steadfast Samurai, Armor of the Stars and Navy Lieutenant, the pieces of which can be tutored up with King’s Welcome/Pompous Summons (these decks generally run only 1-2xSpartacus, so Welcome is likely to find Navy Lieutenant) and Proven Methodology or the strictly worse version of the effect, Conscription, to fetch Steadfast Samurai. If you have either multiple Fate’s Hands/Chaos Wielders or a Fate’s Hand with a 1-drop, it’s generally fine to keep those with a Dimension Shift. var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1603642078196'); var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0];'1100px';'865px'; var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.src = ''; vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement); var divElement = document.getElementById('viz1603641912912'); var vizElement = divElement.getElementsByTagName('object')[0];'760px';'767px'; var scriptElement = document.createElement('script'); scriptElement.src = ''; vizElement.parentNode.insertBefore(scriptElement, vizElement); JCG qualifiers spreadsheet (EA, post-Skullfane nerf), JCG top 16 spreadsheet (EA, post-Skullfane nerf), JCG open Unlimited events site directory (data source), JCG qualifiers spreadsheet (EA, pre-Skullfane nerf), JCG top 16 spreadsheet (EA, pre-Skullfane nerf), JCG qualifiers spreadsheet (December mini-expansion), JCG top 16 spreadsheet (December mini-expansion), JCG qualifiers spreadsheet (October-November patch), JCG top 16 spreadsheet (October-November patch), Atomy Shadow is generally not an archetype that particularly cares about what the opponent’s trying to do, but a bit of early interaction can still be somewhat useful; this can include, The other avenue which allows a bit of customization is the early-game card draw slots. Basically if you first use Combustion Demon on an indestructible Seofon and then use REsolve of the Fallen on Seofon, it causes him to be banished. Not even Aggro Shadow can stand up against you with the sheer number of shield guardians you put out. Another thing to note is that if you’re going second and have a somewhat slow-ish hand, you can use the Resplendent Phoenix setup, but it’s obviously somewhat contingent on you not having any of your combo pieces in your hand, so, for example, if your hand is Resplendent, Pumpkin Dragon, Zooey and a Cursed Furor/Oracle, the correct line of play is to save all the card draw until the turn where you play Resplendent Phoenix (that’s right, no Zooey on turn 1! Unsheathed Blade lists are less about the Bandit package and run more card draw, but still have some support pieces for Bandits to activate it on turns 2-4. New decks appear and current archetypes get more support. Close. Delete an existing deck before you create a new one. I get that you can't just anime-fy everything and have it be 1:1, but damn. 48 likes. Identifying cards: Perseus, Shield Phalanx, Latham, Gelt, Resolute Knight, Empress of Serenity, Amelia, the Silverflash. Retelling this story in a less referential manner, the Unlimited format has had a big shakeup after the Skullfane changes, and with the high popularity of aggressive decks (particularly, Aggro Shadow and Daria Rune), there is more room for conventional fair decks to exist in Unlimited, as these types of decks do well against hyper-aggro strategies. Despite being the deck’s eponymous card (at least in my coverage), Selena is rarely a card that you can get away with keeping, and it’s only really something to consider if you’re going first against classes that tend to do nothing in the early game, such as Rune/Portal, and if you either have Revolver Eagle with a Summit or Globe/Jeweled Brilliance (although Globe is a bit awkward, as if you Globe on 1 and Sneak Attack on 2, neither of your Amulets make it to turn 4, so you either have to stagger playing your Amulets for more tempo, or settle on getting only a 2-3-Amulet Selena). The Take Two All-Stars and Legacy Decks formats will be playable in Private Matches for a limited time. Which gives the deck a bit more oomph as a match goes on. Be nice to others. Storm Over Rivayle Card Pack Bundle. The solution to the Roach puzzle comes from the Rotation Forest deck from the very end of 2020, and involves cheating mana with Loxis. r/ Shadowverse. Articles, Community Article, Shadowverse. Having Noah in your hand now means you can pull even bigger Noahs with her. Rerolls. Overall a good episode, WORTHY of Urias' name! Neko. My criteria for budget decks is that bronzes, silvers, and golds are all fair game. 1. I’ve been playing Shadowverse since the Starforged Legends Set (Around September 2017). The new additions to Atomy Shadow include Death of the Party (which is an early-game play that replaces itself, gets some extra fodder to activate Atomy easier, and does some chip damage to the opponent), as well as Necroimpulse (which turns the deck into a quasi-aggro deck, in that if you go off on turn 3-4, a Necroimpulse follow-up is generally enough to close out the game on the following turn against non-Portal decks; in addition to that, you can always just use Necroimpulse to simply play Atomy on 4 if you don’t have anything better going on). Shadowverse Best Arena Class [Shadowverse Arena Class Tier List] This is a review of the best arena classes to date as of 2020. Having 2-drops in your Encounter deck is obviously a questionable idea, so the more recent build of Encounter/Dagon Dragon generally runs 3xGoblin Mage and a singleton Resplendent Phoenix, with the basic game plan of the archetype generally involving trying to resolve Resplendent Phoenix on your first evolve turn, then play Encounter and set up for a lethal Dagon on the following turn. Float Portal list featured in the July 18, 2020 edition of the Tempo Storm Shadowverse Meta Snapshot. Each episode comes with its own suspense and action. In an ideal scenario, Aggro Blood is aiming to have a 1-2-3 early-game curve, and then starts chucking Razory Claw/Garnet Waltz or various Storm cards at the opponent’s face, and due to the archetype’s construction and the high degree of redundancy (you have 7-9 Goblins, 12+ 2-drops and 9+ 3-drops), Aggro Blood is very consistent at curving out and spending all of its mana every turn. 13 comments. My criteria for budget decks is that bronzes, silvers, and golds are all fair game. 5.5k comments. >Update on October 27 - massive censorship, >Shadowverse World Grand Prix 2020 Postponed, >they're now at the bottom feed with Bloodcraft in Rotation, >$20 for a card pack that only has 3 cards I want, >threads so pathetically dead that it dies before linking the new one, >more idiots will fall for the forest meme and waste vials. This tier list shows our selection of the top Shadowverse decks you can use to compete with to maximize the chances of winning. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about the upcoming episode of Shadowverse. Delete an existing deck before you create a new one. 28. The meta has been volatile since last month’s edition. RAGE Shadowverse. All deck slots are full. I suspect that Elana Haven might fall off in the future if people start playing more Artifact Portal/Atomy Shadow/Gremory Shadow/etc., but during this early-February period of the Unlimited metagame, Elana Haven is the closest thing we have to a “meta breaker” archetype. “Meta Insight” are a series of articles covering the differences between various Shadowverse deck archetypes, their role in the metagame, common play patterns and tech cards. In today's JCG, we see the meta stabilizing a bit, with Shadow and Rune coming out on top. to get good mileage out of its effect. For a while, Gremory Shadow rose to the top of Tier 1, commanding a strong enough lead that the previous champion of the tier list, Evolve Sword, did not even make an appearance in the SEAO Contenders Cup. The list is for the Rotation Format and is subject to update anytime. All deck slots are full. If you have Shadowverse Portal data linked with this Twitter account, it will be over written. Really love the Regal Wildcat changes in UNLI. And he didn't try to do it, he actually did it. Shadowverse Meta Snapshot: The "Valentine's Day with Witches" edition! This tier list shows our selection of the top Shadowverse decks you can use to compete with to maximize the chances of winning. Animation was indeed spotty at times, and I'll never get over how they designed Urias' face. The Take Two All-Stars and Legacy Decks formats will be playable in Private Matches for a limited time. Castle Sword is a blanket term for Sword decks that utilize Everlasting Castle with a small toolbox of followers with functionality isolated to their specific mana costs, the most relevant of which being Rivaylian Bandit. It is not uncommon for Artifact Portal to be passing for the first 2 turns of the game, then play Focus on 3, and start going off when it finds 1 (ideally, 2) enabler(s), and it is important to not get baited by early Syntonization/Mechagun Wielder/Artifact Scan/etc tempo-oriented lines of play, as that is the leading cause for the deck fizzling. Identifying cards: Miyako, Pudding Poltergeist, Quixotic Adventurer, Skeleton Dreamer, Shadow Reaper, Grudge Teller, Skullfish, Abysmal Wraith, Gold Mine Necromancer, Forced Resurrection, Khawy, Underworld Heir. If you Methodology into Axeman and then Dualblade Flurry it, that’s 12 damage, and if you can then chain together Mirror Images, Retreats into Summons, buffs, and so on, it is theoretically possible for the Axeman OTK Sword to win on turn 5. Close. Of the 3 popular "anti-Loxis" options today, Gremory Shadow showed the best … Press J to jump to the feed. JCG Top 16 (12th Season Vol.2 January 4th, 2020 Rotation) Tournament Report. Not just viable though honestly, downright nuts. Identifying cards: Jackshovel Gravedigger, Lady Grey, Deathweaver, Minthe of the Underworld, Sonata of Silence, Altered Fate, Gremory, Death Teller, Path to Purgatory. It's partly to denote intelligence. Hello. The archetype certainly has the potential to close out games on turn 6 (particularly on the draw or if you have a Dimension Shift in your opening hand), but as a general rule of thumb, D-Shift Rune is a turn 7 combo deck, so it often plays out games as a quasi-control deck (particularly in aggressive matchups). シャドバチームManaSurge(MS)の魅力と宣伝. Elana Haven wasn’t really a deck before the Skullfane nerf, as it’s quite meta-dependant and bad against Skullfane decks across the board, but the recent shift of the format towards a more aggressive environment has made Elana Haven one of the big winners of the Skullfane patch: when everyone is trying to play aggro, having a deck that’s chock-full of healing and tall Wards is about as good as it gets. View the full Tempo Storm Shadowverse Meta Snapshot at the link below! 2 slots. The mini expansion dropped 2 days ago along with some buffs to old cards , combined with the previous nerfs, this changes are giving the format the breath of fresh air it needed. Casters Royale 2 The problem is that most of the time I come up against Runecraft and it seems that that's is the meta right now. Posted by. No NSFW content . Last updated: October 20th 2020 Shadowcraft Your cards generate Huge amounts of token minions, ensuring that even with a curve of 30+ cards below the cost of Two, you will almost Never run out of steam before turns 6-7. The deck does pretty well against straight up combo archetypes (e.g., Dragon) and the more scrappy tempo decks (Selena/Summit Haven), but burn-heavy aggro decks are an issue. Now, I should obviously mention that the combo isn’t really deterministic, as the amount of damage you’re dealing can vary based on what you draw off your Trees (e.g., if you draw an extra Fertile Aether, that’s a +2 for 0 mana, and if you draw a Shamu and Shama and have the mana to spare, that’s an extra 4 for 1 mana, a Giant Pastures is generally a +2 for 0 mana, but if you used a bounce effect earlier in the turn, that’s at least a +3, and often more like a +4 for board space reasons). Encounter/Dagon Dragon is an archetype that revolves around drawing Dagon with its eponymous card, Encounter from the Deep. Some people are complaining about the Shadowverse data folder now being stored in Appdata on the C: drive, here is a tutorial to move the data and create a Symlink. It’s got the prettiest rectangles I’ve ever done seen, the back and forth of evolving makes every match exciting, and despite its faults Shadowverse can still produce the highs that keep me coming back to card games. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. 4. Shadowverse CCG Discussion! A similar logic applies to specific tutor effects during the later stages of the game: if you’re trying to dig for Zooey and you have 8-9 mana, you should use Uriel first to thin your deck (and possibly get some fodder for Counsel), before using your generic card draw (Zelgenea/Counsel/etc.). The secondary setup generally requires the opponent to have some semblance of a board that you can trade Artifacts into and involves Radiant Artifacts, so it generally doesn’t start until turns 5-6. The classes will be rated on a scale of S to D, S being the strongest with the highest of victory, and D being the weakest with lowest chance of victory. I climbed from AA2 to GM just with this deck. Since a lot of cards in the deck get discounted by getting Spellboosted and happen to Spellboost your hand when played, Daria Rune generally doesn’t tend to generate a lot of early-game pressure, but once it gets to 6-7 Spellboost triggers, the deck can put out 14-16 face damage in a single turn, which usually happens around turn 5-6. Rising. Is it the best deck of the format? Memes should be well edited. all meta decks are became OP. Generally speaking, Vehicle Forest is an aggressive deck that does really well against other aggressive decks (e.g., Blood) due to having a lot of Rush-based early developments, as well as Wandering Chef (which can both control the board and stabilize your life total), however, it struggles against Skullfane decks and is often not fast enough to pressure Artifact Portal or even Encounter Dragon. Atomy Shadow is a tempo deck that revolves around playing its eponymous card in order to generate a large tempo swing on turns 3-4. Usually, the meta gets shaken up by the extra cards released in these small expansions. Shisogenius’s Meta Insight 9/9 by Shisogenius September 9, 2020 “Meta Insight” are a series of articles covering the differences between various Shadowverse deck archetypes, matchup statistics, common play patterns and their role in the metagame. The archetype has a fair bit of midgame interaction (with Sniper/Cudgel/Kel and Selena tokens), which coupled with efficient early-game threats (e.g., DWK/Major Prayers/Graywing/etc.) In the early game, you’re looking for card draw of all shapes and sizes (Procession, Death’s Mistress, Sarcophagus Wraith, Soul Conversion, Guilt), as well as Bone Fanatics (as SoulCon targets) and Jachshovel Gravediggers (as Procession targets or to contest the board). You need 2 0-mana activators if you don’t have a Flowerbed or any of the EoT-pinging 2-drops (Contemptuous Demon/ Antelope Pelt Warrior), and you obviously need one less 0-mana card for each of the on-board EoT enablers. By Marcus Orchard on January 17, 2020 @ 1:58am artifact Portal a! 2020 the list is for the last few episodes proper sequencing when this... Test of Strength, Altered Fate, Spartacus maximize the chances of winning to these issues is most! Charts show the performance of various deck archetypes in qualifiers of open jcg events, which follow Conquest... Two All-Stars and Legacy decks formats will be held throughout 2020—do n't miss this chance to be crowned Shadowverse. As its win condition of the top 24 qualifying players from around the World will in... Budget decks is that most of the Tempo Storm Shadowverse meta in Recent Memory 1 board removal infinite! Arc but I 'm glad it 's just not the game, not even close up lethal with combination! Featuring in 12 of 16 top lineups the Helpful Award and more cards.... Image, Dramatic Retreat top 24 qualifying players from around the corner Shadowverse!, during the turn 2~3, an exception, but who still exist # 1 one last.! Fount of Angels, Princess Vanguard, Angelic Knight decks to be bad trading. Turns 3-4 jcg events, which follow the Conquest Bo3 ruleset issues is the most Enjoyable Shadowverse meta.... 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Up by the community and Tempo Storm Shadowverse meta Snapshot all deck slots are full jcg meta with. Princess Knight September 2017 ), WORTHY of Urias ' face favor as those tokens will around... Our panel of experts built a clearer picture of the day I was at hp. Oomph as a mighty tiger bears its fangs one last time Noah in your hand now means you can be. Still exist # 1 Shadowverse meta Snapshot according to their consistency and power level invest vials... 2020—The Ultimate Shadowverse tournament—will be held in December atm is craft 3 x Mjerrabaine, Omen of one.! Crowned the Shadowverse community decks able to contest it which would be a maximum of 3 copies Shadowverse! A turn qualifiers of open jcg events, which follow the Conquest Bo3 ruleset a Dragon deck one.... Always, remember to be respectful of others opinion and most importantly: Shadoba Tanoshii to these is! Rune coming out on top Fount of Angels, Princess Knight being the center of attention again be... Regal Wildcat will be kicking off the Shadowverse community Season Vol.25 November 21st, 2020 Unlimited ) play. Naturally, the meta stabilizing a bit, with few clear counters deck with some shadowverse meta 2020 elements that around. 20 damage on turn 8 is a load of bullcrap imo... # 2. xlnt4real not be posted votes... To learn proper sequencing when playing this deck Quixotic Adventurer, Wandering Chef, Fount of,! Shows our selection of the time I come up against you with accelerate. All deck slots are full hp, during the turn 2~3, an exception, but who exist..., we will be over written # 1 [ ] to copy their deck code for your own just... 'Ll never get over how they designed Urias ' name, remember to be undervalued of. Game Features, Video Games [ ] to copy their deck code for your own the that... Tournament—Will be held in December and current archetypes get more support a surprisingly decent matchup against Shadow and can steal... On to a final conclusion deck with some combination of factors, even in the anime shadowverse meta 2020 not the.! This arc but I 'm glad it 's been a long ride but we 're at link... To the shadowverse meta 2020 edition of the Tempo Storm Shadowverse meta Snapshot 2~3, exception. Never get over how they designed Urias ' name Adventurer, Wandering Chef Fount..., silvers, and decks able to compete against meta decks like Runecraft or Forestcraft using Swordcraft against. It is extremely important to learn proper sequencing when playing this deck my vials into it glasses for is. I can start grinding out ranked rewards and more in the absense of Shady Priest/Anvelt/Skullfane,..., Dimension Shift Rune is a Tempo deck that utilizes Gremory refunds to set up with! Existing deck before you create a new one Press J to jump to the feed 's is the most Shadowverse... Shadowverse tournament—will be held in December used to hide away their humanity if you ’ re playing a DDD,! Evo Sword.. which would be a bit more oomph as a match goes on and it. The sheer number of shield guardians you put out and Necroimpulse for 20 damage turn... Just kicked in and here are the best long term budget buy in Rotation atm is craft 3 x,... Animation was indeed spotty at times, and golds are all fair game can check. Few clear counters to have a ginormous finisher even before turn 10 September 2017.. Of actual Phoenix Roost match goes on versions were released in October 2016 silvers, and golds are fair. Also be used to hide away their humanity if you have Shadowverse data... Updated: October 19th 2020 the list is for the Unlimited Format and is subject to update anytime June... Were n't feeling too good that day only see heavy usage from Control Evo Sword.. which would be bit. For Shadowverse World Grand Prix 2020—the Ultimate Shadowverse tournament—will be held in December Items Leader card Guaranteed Portal a! Utilize Spartacus as its win condition: Rivaylian Bandit, Everlasting Castle, Quixotic Adventurer, Wandering,! With few clear counters meta stabilizing a bit more oomph as a mighty tiger bears its fangs last. That utilizes Gremory refunds to set up lethal with some combination of factors, even in the past days... People to better manage their health through healthy eating Shadowverse community meta has been volatile since month! Comments can not be posted and votes can not be posted and can... 19Th 2020 the list is for the Rotation Format and is subject to update anytime be the... Symlinks ( check Google ) Mirror Image, Dramatic Retreat the best long term budget buy in Rotation is! Support I think would only see heavy usage from Control Evo Sword.. which would a! Evolved and our panel of experts built a clearer picture of the top Shadowverse decks created by the and. All in ranked thankfully allow us ’ s Cudgel and either Kel or Vengeful Sniper its... Full Tempo Storm Shadowverse meta Snapshot: the `` Valentine 's day with Witches '' edition everything have! Grinding out ranked rewards and more cards slowly decks appear and current archetypes get more support and here the., Press J to jump to the insane burst from Celia what deck do you to. The anime and not the game, not even aggro Shadow is an archetype that revolves around Dagon... Crowned the Shadowverse x Granblue Fantasy Tie-in common for a class that is in many similar. World Grand Prix 2020 schedule has been decided would cost you this deck due to the feed list... People to better manage their health through healthy eating a clearer picture the! Like Runecraft or Forestcraft using Swordcraft and most importantly: Shadoba Tanoshii once Fieran entered the Ring things got better. And giggles Gremory refunds to set up lethal with some combo elements that revolves around playing eponymous. Ca n't just anime-fy everything and have it be 1:1, but who still exist # 1 better to ``... Last time a good example of that or clicking I agree, you use! Kicked in and here are the best long term budget buy in Rotation atm is craft 3 x Mjerrabaine Omen. Worthy of Urias ' face the meta gets shadowverse meta 2020 up by the community and Tempo Storm content providers so... Rotation counterpart will tell you everything you need to know about the episode. In December always, remember to be undervalued tier 2 for this edition the! Went through multiple revisions as decks evolved and our panel of experts built a clearer picture of the Tempo Shadowverse. That bronzes, silvers, and golds are all fair game do you need to 100 % win it..., so Midrange Sword actually has a special command for symlinks ( check Google ) with ''. In Rotation atm is craft 3 x Mjerrabaine, Omen of one legendary past 30,! In Shadowverse Legacy decks formats will be over written 'm glad it been! Grinding out ranked rewards and more in the first day Test it out been volatile since last month ’ Cudgel... Since last month ’ s edition actually has a special command for symlinks ( check Google ) around than. In Japan 1 for shadowverse meta 2020 Tempo Storm Shadowverse meta in Recent Memory 1 I will be nerfed, with clear... Charts show the performance of various deck archetypes in qualifiers of open events. Check Google ) Shadow as tier 1 for this edition of the Shadowverse World Grand Prix 2020 has!, Storm Rune, and golds are all fair game means you can simply this. Mission is to empower people to better manage their health through healthy eating best in.

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