you know what this Reddit post is right? He ends up captain of that cursed crew. Answer. Paulie. I came too late for that and I know. After watching the show multiple times I've started to think that Paulie Walnuts sold Tony and Sil out at the end of the show, leading to Tony’s death. According to The Sopranos, A Family History, Peter Paul Gualtieri, son of Gennaro Gualtieri (although Paulie's biological father was later revealed to be a World War II era soldier named \"Russ\"), has been a troubled street kid from the age of nine. Why did Phil Leotardo's men betray him when Tony and his gang were at their weakest? Thank you kind stranger, “Whats it take to get some god damn smoked turkey in this house!”, Paulie wants it on the record... he takes full responsibility... but he didn't do nuthin, Paulie Walnuts, summed up in a single sentence. Paulie was the close friend/brother-in-law of Rocky Balboa, the older brother of the late Adrian Pennino (who became Balboa's wife), and the uncle of Rocky Balboa, Jr.. Pennino was also a hardcore alcoholic, who had a cynical attitude and usually gave out negative comments, much to the dislike of his brother-in-law. Biography. I think the final scene with Tony and Paulie pretty much closes out Paulie's storyline. 8. Report Save. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. Prior to Rocky's match against Drago, Paulie tells Rocky of the admiration and love he has for his best friend. Was Christopher wrong to say Yeah, I Do after being asked “do you really think I’d kill you?” in the middle of the Pine Barrens? Weird. The duration of Paulie is 1.52 hours. In addition to that, he also procures fine Italian suits for his friends and associates. Paulie wanted to survive. Creator says he was misquoted as saying Tony lives on. Below I explain, in my opinion, the most obvious and blatant clues Chase left to prove this point because, as he said himself in an interview when he was asked about Tony’s fate in the finale, It’s all there. On The Challenge: Vendettas Tony turned against his longtime ally Bananas to protect himself in the game. READ ONLINE [ 1.01 MB ] Reviews This book is indeed gripping and interesting. +Then we get to Paulie’s *gift* to Tony. Who steals barber scissors, and from where, and why? David Chase decided to make the cat specifically single out Paulie all episode. He is strangely close to the NY mob guys and tells them insider info, remember the Jennie Sac incident? Paulie wasn't a long term strategist, he was an opportunist. I agree. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This episode rules. Posted 31st December 2020 by David Tennant On … The Supernatural Cat stares all episode at the one character we know believes in Supernatural stuff more than anyone else, Paulie. There is also next to no evidence to suggest Paulie would want to set up Tony. Tony's share was also to be given to Carmela but Paulie hesitated to do so, thinking that Tony was about to die anyway. Holy baloney, that's interesting. +So let’s recap… We See Tony contemplate Killing Paulie after he lies, we then see Paulie have a nightmare of Pussy and asks him if he will too betray Tony, then immediately we see an Espresso machine named after a Gun being delivered to Tony from Paulie, then we see a Boss get shot and killed. 'I live but to serve you, my liege' - Paulie here sounds like Christopher, dedicated to Tony against his better judgement. A Hit Is a Hit. What an odd detail (so odd that I remember scratching my head over it the first time I saw it). Being selfish or lying to improve your position isn’t unique to Paulie in the series by any means, but there are more than a few storylines specifically where Paulie betrays the family or openly defies Tony more than anyone else does in the series. Holy baloney, that's interesting. October 23, 2017 Tim Wilms. If Tony was killed at the end of the final episode, I think it was Paulie walnuts- mabey he was off camera, but he wanted to kill Tony for years.. Before I get to the finale I want to make another very blatant point that I never see people discuss about the connection to the Godfather. Paulie and Christopher tell Tony of the incident, and Tony says if issues arise with the Russian mob boss Slava (Frank Ciornei), Paulie would be forcibly held responsible. The deceased Mikey Palmice (murdered by Paulie and Christopher on Tony’s orders at the end of Season 1 told Christopher to warn Tony and Paulie: “3 o’clock.” It is 3:00 when Paulie gets the news of his prostate cancer. Be the first to answer! Junior, Feech, Richie, and Pussy. Doubtful. I don’t need to tell you all that The Sopranos is the Greatest Show of All Time... we all know this and its why we’re on this forum. 1 decade ago. But seriously, lots of good points, several I hadn't considered before. The OPENING SHOT of the penultimate episode has multiple seconds dedicated to the shoes. He had been suspicious for a while up to that point, and did not promote him when he promoted Pauli, Sil, and Furio. Answer. Pasquale "Patsy" Parisi, played by Dan Grimaldi, is a fictional character on the HBO television series The Sopranos. Blackout lies betray extreme negligence. He either pretends to take it, or just declines. +The scene outside of Satriale’s where Paulie takes the Construction job is probably the most damning in the episode. S1 E1. From the opening scene its essentially about the old times vs. the new times (we see Tony with Hair!) Until you remember that the scene where Butchie gave the orders to whack Bobby/Silvio/Tony took place in a beauty salon, possibly owned by Butchie (the scene ends with im straightening the place up) and used as a clandestine meeting place (like the back room of Satriale's). The best is over” The pilot’s foreshadowing of Tony’s eventual problems with this generation of gangster is pretty thick being that the episode’s main storyline is about Tony and Junior beefing. What characters in the show who worked with Johnny Boy, besides Paulie, have major story lines with Tony? He’s not dumb, he knows Tony killed Ralph over small shit and everyone around him seemed to be dying. When he was 17, he officially became an enforcer/bodyg… Nobody knows what happened at the end. Paulie didn't even want to take over the lucrative construction business, let alone be boss. Nearly a month after New Zealand’s general election the nation finally learned who its new government would be. Further, if Paulie was going to betray Tony, then why'd they wait for Phil to be murdered? WITH Labor in the throes of a climate civil war, a frantic Zali Steggall is demanding Left-wing Liberals back her radical push for renewable energy – and help salvage her political career while at it. - David Tennant's most frequently updated website. Dolan. What I’ve noticed is that most fans don’t agree on the WHY, HOW, and most importantly the WHO portions of this equation. WHY WOULD DAVID CHASE GIVE SCREEN TIME TO THE SAME SHOES HE ZOOMS IN ON 2 DIFFERENT TIMES FOR MEN WHO BETRAY THEIR RESPECTIVE FAMILIES? I think the final scene with Tony and Paulie pretty much closes out Paulie's storyline. Down Neck. 13. 11. This is not some quick cut or some small detail… the camera Zooms in on Paulie’s white shoes two different times in his shoe rack (no other shoes present) for multiple seconds. They're going after the administration, of which Paulie is not a member. The duration of Paulie … 7. Neither the National Party nor the Labour and Greens bloc could govern without the support of the nationalist New Zealand First Party led by veteran politician Winston Peters. As a soldier, Paulie was second to none. If Tony is dead, Paulie Walnuts is his likely heir. Paulie, a talking parrot, recounts his travels looking for his original owner to a Russian janitor who helps him to the end of his journey. Related Questions. Its been written in an extremely easy way and is particularly merely soon a=er i … Staged section of Carmine ordered the hit, Butchie executed it and Paulie knew about it. But I honestly think that scene is more to express how much things had changed and how many people had been lost contrasted with the more "care free" days of the earlier seasons, when the whole crew would hang outside Satriale's. 1. Christopher trying to warn Tony from the grave perhaps? They didn’t have to show the axe or the knife on the boat in Remember When for more than 1 second… but they did. Pilot. Paulie just wanted Tony's respect all along. +It could have been named 150 legitimate coffee machine names but it was specifically chosen to be called SEMI.AUTOMATIC.CHROME… The ironic foreshadowing is that when Carmella says, “what is wrong with that man?” for buying it Tony responds that “guys like him allow our lifestyle here.” IT THEN CUTS TO THE NEW YORK BOSS, DOC SANTORO, BEING SHOT AND KILLED. 8. 2. share. The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti. What I am saying is not only was Tony clearly shot and killed at Holsten’s but Paulie at minimum knew what was going to happen and served him up. - The Letters of Paul & the Place of Women. The cat never had to be in the episode at all, but it was and it stares at Paulie during pivotal moments in the series finale. Big Girls Don’t Cry. The Italians who translate his … 13. 3. Throughout the series, several characters who betray or attempt to betray their respective families are wearing the same pair of laceless white shoes. He is sitting like a man WHO KNOWS that he can just close his eyes and soak up alllll of the sun knowing he is the New Boss and a non-target. Asked by Mina Hyatt. The Happ… You might say, “well it is after the truce with Butchie” but did that stop Tony from picking the back booth at Holsten’s with full view of the door? That's explained in the scene. This is the only scene that the Virgin Mary scene is discussed which was probably the most supernatural event in the show; I do not think that is a coincidence either. . Originally, Paulie was going to be played by Robert De Niro, but he was traded to another production for Al Pacino. Paulie blatenly lies, Tony stares down at the giant bloody fishing knife and the camera STAYS ON THE BLOODY KNIFE for multiple seconds. Johnny Sac is seen wearing these shoes in the hospital after his allocution, and the most damning example is the opening shot of Season 7 Episode 8 ‘Blue Comet’ which involves Silvio murdering Burt for asking Sil to openly betray Tony. He dropped out of school after the 9th grade and spent time in and out of juvenile correctional facilities during his early youth. Please feel free to contact Tony by emailing or call 0429099307. Once Bobby is chosen over him for operations in Season 6, Paulie’s resentment towards Tony and the crew becomes even more apparent. +Multiple times while Tony and Paulie are on the road, Tony has to scold Paulie for talking way too much; talking about where they’re going, who they are, what they’ve done in the past. 6. If Tony was killed at the end of the final episode, I think it was Paulie walnuts- mabey he was off camera, but he wanted to kill Tony for years.. Related: 15 BTS Facts About HBO’s Euphoria Even The Biggest Fans Don’t Know Paulie. : The Letters of Paul and the Place of Women, S. Wesley Ariarajah, Did I Betray the Gospel? That's why he let Johnny Sac use him, only to get burned. Then again, I don't believe Tony dies. In the fifth film, Paulie and Adrian have a … He didn’t want to die, he was so fearful of the afterlife and didn’t want the job Tony was offering him because of the history of death at the position. In an Episode where Tony blatantly contemplates killing Paulie for lying and betrayal, an episode where Paulie has both a flashback and a nightmare of Pussy and asks him if he will betray Tony too… it DIRECTLY CUTS TO A SEMI AUTOMATIC CHROME Espresso machine being delivered to Tony from Paulie. Paulie looks quite contentafter he accepts Tony's offer. Did Winston Peters Betray His Base? Most fans here even agree on the general idea that, in the Series Finale ‘Made in America’, Tony is shot and subsequently killed by the man in the Member’s Only jacket as he comes out of the bathroom before the cut to black occurs. Tony making fun of his betrayer over the Virgin Mary makes it that much more fitting that he is shot and killed after ceremoniously eating his Onion Ring like a Eucharist at Holsten’s. Cheers. True, it is only a theory and an imperfect one at that. With Gena Rowlands, Tony Shalhoub, Cheech Marin, Bruce Davison. I like the theory, but I can't buy it. Paulie, played by Burt Young, is an integral part of the franchise. . None of those things had to happen but they did, with great attention drawn and paid to them. I thought you finally figured out who ate his fucking Lo Mein that he was dreaming of the whole way over here.... NOW WHO ATE HIS SHIT?????? All 4 of them openly betray Tony in some form and in some cases attempt a literal coup to have Tony killed. Also, early in Season 4, Germani precipitates the crisis between Tony and Johnny Sack, … It's a great theory but a lot of it depends on a specific interpretation. Patsy also hates Tony for killing his twin brother and we know he already contemplated killing him in the Season 3 premier… is it so out of the question that the two of them knew ahead of time what was going to happen? Great post. It probably wasn't a secret that Butch hung out in a barber shop, and I just don't see Paulie doing that if he was talking with Butch in secret. Paulie accompanies Rocky and Tony Duke to Siberia to help Rocky train for his match against Ivan Drago. Tony nicely tells him to shut the fuck up and goes to dance with his girl. Tony’s first line about the the cat is that it already “caught a mouse down in the cellar” … replace Mouse with Rat and it explains why the Cat stares at Paulie all episode. However, would Butchie really risk continual war over that? Does that look like a man who is worried about being shot at? He loved Tony (to a point) and wanted to please him, despite being on the shelf since the Valery incident. You may have heard a version of this theory before, but I am here to comprehensively explain the sad truth; Tony Soprano was betrayed and he was betrayed by Paulie Gualtieri. He was just being his usual superstitious, weird self in his last scene. What is the duration of Paulie? Paulie accompanies Rocky and Tony Duke to Siberia to help Rocky train for his match against Ivan Drago. Even the actions Paulie takes that would displease Tony such as talking to Johnny don't seem to be malicious they seem to be a strive to get Tony to notice the sway that he has with others outside of the Jersey crew. Related Questions. The only time he seemed to want power or to betray Tony was when Johnny was playing him in S4. Paulie just wanted Tony's respect all along. Carmine Sr. didn't even know who the fuck he was. 14. Anne Perry (born Juliet Marion Hulme; 28 October 1938) is an English author of historical detective fiction, best known for her Thomas Pitt and William Monk series. . The duration of Paulie is 1.52 hours. He attended the wedding of Connie Corleone to Carlo Rizzi, and stood near Clemenza in case Clemenza wanted his assistance. Sirico, did, in fact, tell the New York Times soon after "The Sopranos" ended: We had a scene this season when Chris and I are talking in the bar about whatever happened to that Russian guy. The entire reason Tony had the dream was because he knew deep down that Pussy had to be a rat, and didn't want to come to terms with it. He thinks calls to ban delivery of the paper through Canada Post are "nanny state-ish." +Names are important and I find it very interesting that the only two characters left at the end are PATSY which has obvious connotation and Paulie who shares the name with the traitor in The Godfather. Tony discusses with Beansie very openly that “it concerns” him before Beansie tells him he thinks he’s worrying for nothing. Note: Very little of this is covered in the movie. Paulie mentions to Johnny that he believes “Tony, fundamentally, doesn’t respect the elderly.” Johnny Sac mentions that Carmine often gets frustrated with Tony most of all in regards to the Esplinade to which Paulie straightens his face and says “if there’s ever anything I can do, anything, HE shouldn’t hesitate.”. Log in, register or subscribe to save articles for later. Soprano, Gualtieri, and Bonpensiero had some Tequila. Asked by Agustina Macejkovic. Although that's probably where he ended up soon after. Paulie initially refuses, citing superstition, but accepts after Tony threatens to make Patsy Parisi — whose family is about to merge with Tony's own through marriage — head of … MOG shoots Tony coming out of the bathroom from a 3 o’clock position. The one thing you don't mention (that I've seen mentioned elsewhere): Paulie coming into Satriale's with the box full of barber's scissors (at the beginning of the scene where he discovers the cat has migrated there from the safehouse). Tony and One Nation will work hard for the people of Nanango in bringing accountability for the local community, standing firm with courage and conviction to deliver for the community. He is one of the few guys who is unharmed and he seems to feel perfectly safe tanning outside of Satriale’s during the War. Original Poster 5 years ago. After Tony's wife dies unexpectedly, his nice-guy persona is altered into an impulsive, devil-may-care attitude; taking his old world by storm. Patsy is the accountant for Tony Soprano's crew, and is often seen calculating the group's finances in the Bada-Bing or Satriale's offices. that's the one thing that bothers me... where on the show did they ever say that you can't kill a dude in front of his family? Rocky V. Shortly after Rocky … Remember in Blue Comet the very deliberate scene in the bathroom with Patsy and Paulie talking? Some people say it’s because Tony shot Phil in front of his family… and that makes some sense. Who was Paul Prenter and how did he betray Freddie Mercury and Queen? There's a rule in the never, ever take out a man in front of his family. Sopranos Creator Accidentally Reveals What Really Happened to Tony in Series Finale. In season 5, Little Paulie holds a "no work" job at the Esplanade construction site and accompanied Chris when collecting a loan from writer J.T. However, Meadow is engaged to Patrick Parisi, the son of Patsy, who's also part of Tony's crew, making for another intriguing claim to the throne. NY whacked Tony, and it wasn't because they whacked Phil or even because Tony curbstomped Coco. Now, I know what at least half of you are thinking already…. That hurt!” it cuts back to Tony who doesn’t apologize but just makes a very screwed up face at Paulie like he’s lucky and the scene cuts. Tony Gazzo (28 October 1936 - 13 January 1989) was a loan shark who employed Rocky Balboa before his boxing career took off in the first film. 15. TFO. S1 E6. Oh you were talking about the ending and who shot tony.. There isn’t enough there IMO, but there is a little something. If the wheels were in motion to take out Tony and Paulie was a part of it, I don't think he would have played along that much when Tony offered him the captain position. 11. I never had never noticed this, it's perfect. Paulie (1998) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. He obviously got confused with Machiavelli's seminal … Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero, executed by Tony, Silvio, and Paulie on a yacht, after they discovered that he was an FBI informant (2000, in "Funhouse"). A PEAKY Blinders deleted scene has explained why Polly Gray betrayed Tommy Shelby in season 5. I hope the audience enjoy it half as much as we did and also see that it's not just us who have difficulty with the technical stuff! Stars: Ricky Gervais, Tom Basden, Tony … Prince Matchabelli is actually a luxury perfume line. That's why he let Johnny Sac use him, only to get burned. Well, he is acting strangely in his final 2 scenes, both in terms of his downcast manner and the fact he tries to turn down the construction gig, which you'd normally expect him to leap at. Original Poster 5 years ago. Butchie? 7. Carmine didn't even know who he was. Satanic Black Magic! Not to mention, he grudgingly accepted the promotion Tony offered him, and showed genuinely loyalty towards Tony. S1 E10. Only theory that makes sense to me. The way the camera is angled, the stylized cursive ‘n’ in the word ‘Italian’ looks like a lot like an ‘r’ …and now the word liar is coming directly out of Paulie’s forehead; you cannot miss it. Here are some of the obvious points: There are many times where Paulie shows how he is disgruntled and feels passed over by Tony after many years of loyalty. 3. It really is rally exciting throgh studying period. S2 E3. Reddit community dedicated to the HBO hit TV series, The Sopranos. First of all, who cares if Johnny Sac was playing him? 12. Paulie repeatedly denies telling Johnny Sack about Ralph Ciparetto's joke about Ginny Sack Paulie ran with Tony's father and in the end I don't know if he has it in him to conspire against Tony enough to cause his demise, despite what we had seen earlier in … We could even say that despite all his opportunities to, Paulie never truly betrayed Tony outside of lying over dumb shit and being the one to tell Johnny the joke. An example of this was in … Pax Soprana. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Ps. S2 E4. Paulie would never!” Keep reading. Paulie also conveniently only takes the construction job in the finale AFTER Tony offers it to Patsy first. Do you think Carlos was in on this, as he … I'm not saying your point is wrong, but it would tie it together better if someone explicitly stated the rule on the show. Convenient. Then chase lays it on thick… Tony aggressively asks, “has he ever really been put to the test?”and Beansie has no answer. The obvious fate of Valery is that he died in the Pine Barrens. Little Carmine? His dream about Pussy (after being on the lam with Tony on the boat) and his superstition about taking over that crew could be motivating factors. S1 E7. But lately, I'm getting the feeling that I came in at the end. Citychic247. Up until 2006, he worked a… Paulie and Benny Fazio used Tony's home entertainment system speakers on his boat to blast Dean Martin recordings at the Sapinsly home at all hours. Paulie Gatto at Connie Corleone's wedding.. Born in New York City to Corleone family buttonman Richie Gatto and his wife Ursula, Paulie was in the same sixth grade class as Michael Corleone and attended the wedding of Michael's brother Sonny.He became a protégé and trusted soldato under Peter Clemenza, receiving a percentage from the bookies on the East Side, and a … The Sopranos are did paulie betray tony homages to the shoes ever take out a man who is worried being... Fuck he was one of the keyboard shortcuts series that he had with Johnny Boy, besides Paulie have. ’ ve always been shocked no one discusses this when trying to warn Tony the. Noticed this, it is a fictional character on the HBO hit TV,! Or subscribe to save articles for later time I saw it ) and bonpensiero had some.! 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