Preparing and Casting Spells The Cleric table shows how many Spell Slots you have to cast … Wisdom is relevant to both core and secondary classes, so you could count on Trickery spells offensively too. This ability otherwise functions like the spell veil. The Trickery Cleric is a rather lopsided domain. it doesn't offer a Monk anything that baseline Cleric doesn't already offer. Constitution: 10 4. The problem with trickery cleric IMO is that most of its features compete directly with its spellcasting. This player character build (monk 12/ cleric 15/ weapon master 13) is intended to combine the cleric's diversity of spells (defensive, support, and counter-support) with the combat prowess of a weapon master and the speed of a monk. You also have to specially prepare a stick for this, or again not use a shield, to cast shillelagh in the first place since it has Material components and you aren't a druid. Rogue (Any) 1, 2, or 3 / Cleric (Trickery) X: The Trickery cleric makes sense in a stealthy party, but lacks the core proficiencies brought by a rogue, and doesn't have access to finesse weapons better than a dagger. Yes it's short on ki, but it makes up for it in useful support abilities. Can Invoke Duplicity use touch spells? This is pretty normal of a mix of so-so and good and already on the Cleric list. So instead, I can give a bonus-action "Help" to someone from 30 feet away. Turning the BBEG into a slug? Zeal cleric isn’t even official. In high school, these passions culminated when I … Plus, there's no clearly stated defensive benefit (unlike mirror image, which you also get), and advantage on attack rolls is of dubious benefit. Light domain, which is very strong at low levels, and still useful at higher ones, people underestimate the power of selectful area of effect damage. 2)ID takes Concentration, but is an action, Spiritual Weapon is a bonus action. You needn't worry about meleers, as most of the time they will not manage to get close to you. You could go 18 and not lose sneak if that's your preference. The Cleric table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. Though generating discussion around Clerics, subclass features, domain spells and the power that comes with the "weakest" cleric subclass is very interesting. Trickery Domain is a Subclass of Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3. It takes a man faithfully dedicated to trickery in order to trick an illusionist wizard! 4)Divine Strike is Divine Strike. Classes. The only caveat to that point is that Arcana Clerics have a better capstone and have better spells after level 17, but how much play time is spent over level 17? Usually when I make cleric/Monk PCs, I grab Strength and Trickery domains for level 3 Divine Power and Improved Invisibility. And this isn't much of a weapon-attacking class so give it Potent Spellcasting. If I were to change it I would either lift the requirement of it being another creature so the cleric could use it on themselves, and/or increase the duration from 1 hour to 8 hours. Classes. Take Circle of the Moon, and let that wolf do some sneak attacks. That's what you want to ask about. The Gods and Goddesses of the Forgotten Realms I think we’ve all rolled up a cleric at one time or another and just picked a god that matched the domain you want, there’s no shame in it. Old thread, but I’ve been looking at a Trickery/Rogue for a while now. (1) Giving advantage to others on stealth checks competes directly with Pass Without Trace, which is far better and affects you. Your double remains visible while you run away to find a hiding place closer to the big bad. Probably would have been better to compare Trickery to one of the spell casting domains, but it wouldn't really be fair to compare Trickery to one of the A list domains like Light. Can Invoke … The Trickery domain almost seems like it was designed for multiclass cleric/thief characters as the benefits of the domain are much more useful for rogues. Forge domain which is very flavorful, though niche. Trickery is for real Clerics, not Cleric dips. Spellcasting As a conduit for divine power, you can cast Cleric Spells. Monk x/Cleric 1 is pretty good, and a 2nd level of Cleric can be worthwhile if you like your domain feature. I think he downplays the 8th level feature a bit much. Better spells equals better subclass. The spells give you some extra utility like heals or bless, but I would almost rather take magic initiate than dip into cleric. Arcana's Potent Spellcasting: It is a minor boost, better than nothing that the Trickery Cleric gets. The Trickery Domain subclass adds Domain Spells and Blessing of the Trickster as features. They have proficiency with All simple weapons and with Light Armour, medium Armour, shields. Trickery is for real Clerics, not Cleric dips. People overrate a +1 to ac/damage etc. Xalthu. This is getting pretty long to summarize many of his points. D Domain spell; Domains Charm, Trickery. To sum it up he argues that people need to focus more on the domain spells more than the subclass abilities. The duplicate affords the opportunity to get both benefits. This really just falls short, as there are so many other ways of getting advantage on stealth. Cloak of Shadows - This is pretty weak, 1 round of invisibility. I think one thing he fails to go over is unlike Arcane casters, Druids and Clerics don't have great uses of throwing out spell slots every turn like a Wizard's fireball. And since the AI is too dumb to really dispel smartly, your monk/cleric will be fine. Before Combat The cleric uses his wand of bear’s endurance, then casts magic vestment. Unread post by magicshisha » Thu Jun 11, 2009 5:00 pm. 5) My trickery Cleric isn't this high yet, but, having 5 spaces on the battlefield to cast spells from is so powerful! But medium armor is just 1 less AC and Clerics won't use weapons most of the time. I like the point that the important thing is the spell list. Its fun to get heavy armor and all martial weapons. Clerics primary ability is Wisdom, their saving throw proficiencies are Wisdom, Charisma and they have a Hit Dice of 1d8 per Cleric level. The best part of this class is the spell list but the class features feel wasted. You can cast SW and attack, and put the double somewhere else. Columns. He’s mischievous, but she doesn’t really mind! I'd argue this is also a weak domain. I'm a huge fan of the trickery domain, and 3 out of the 6 clerics I've played have been trickery because I love the thematic of the archetype. Blessing of the Trickster - I actually like this ability. Should talk with the DM ahead of Character Creation. 10 Attack High AB Kama Monk, Cleric(26), Champion of Torm(8), Monk(6) Race:Human Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral STR: 12 DEX: 15 (30) CON: 12 WIS: 16 (20) INT: 12 CHA: 8 01: Cleric(1): Blind Fight, Extend Spell, Domain Trickery, Domain War 02: Monk(1): M: (Cleave, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist) 03: Cleric(2): Weapon Finesse The bonus action thing really does hinder Shillelagh, too. Thanks for this video. From that point on, you can cast spells from the double and attack with SW. But a common theme with trickery cleric, is it feels like it they wanted to discourage a rogue multiclasser from just always using it on themselves. Fighter: Action Surge and Fighting styles are just too good to leave on the table. Where I think the Trickery Cleric truly shines is out of combat. You learn additional cleric cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in the Cantrips Known column of the Cleric table. Trickery Domain is a Subclass of Cleric in Baldur's Gate 3. I'm a Trickster Cleric / Rogue Mastermind (capped at 3) and I adore it. Anything else you’d care to add that I may not be considering? And at that level, you are less likely to rely on weapons and cantrips. For example silent image and major image both include the language of having to make an action to investigate against the caster's DC. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The problem with trickery cleric IMO is that most of its features compete directly with its spellcasting. Both silent image, major image and even minor image all state what sensory effects the illusion can make. No armor or martial weapon proficiencies. Dimension Door: You can teleport, and you can bring along an ally within 5' of your illusion. Monk 12/Trickery Cleric 8 goes together like ham and eggs, baby. Consider this: first round ID + SW, second round CoS. Maybe some power gamers have decided Arcana domain is so good at 20th level or something, but I don't think it's actually that good for a solid play unless you're grabbing it for a specific role play reason. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. All of these things are addressed in the video. Take Circle of the … But I do think the video is a bit off. Treantmonk suggests not even bothering with weapon attacks and ignores it. These are the ones I consider to be strong. (1) Giving advantage to others on stealth checks competes directly with Pass Without Trace, which is far better and affects you. Arcana's abilities end up being better overall compared. If you want a small party you need DAMAGE and thats the main problem with this char. In addition the spell list for this domain in NWN was all invisibility based. Don't go beyond Cleric 1, don't dip before Monk 5, and pick a Domain with a strong level 1 feature. Then you also have Pass Without a Trace and the decent to amazing features that comes with the Arcana Cleric. While you're asking your DM about how illusions will be handled, ask about making noise while hiding as well. If you have to be DEX for melee and *can't* have armor, it's going to hurt. No mention of zeal cleric, who is the best imo and can maximize a fireball at level 5. If we had the improvements I originally pointed out in invoke duplicity this could have some more interesting uses. So feel very strong in Tier 1 up until 7th level. Edit: also reflavor your shadow art spells as divine and reflavor the entire shadow monk class as shadow powers given from your deity. Cantrips would be shileleigh and guidance. I hope we can get something (even a Happy Hour) to suggest different class features for this. That way you can get invoke duplicity to get advantage on all your attack rolls. One great ability is that the trickery cleric can create an illusionary duplicate of themselves. I really appreciate it. (though they get a useless ability at 8th level). - Update 1: Added Law & Chaos. Grave domain that allows max healing on unconscious targets and Spare the Dying to be a bonus action. I think he picked Arcana because its one of the strongest domains in the power gaming circles, and like Arcana, Trickery has a niche its the best at. Spell Breaker: Dispel Magic with just a few hit points recovery. It's strong because of its spell list and features that can help allies (mostly spell list). I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks, which is simple to understand and easy to read at a glance. What does combat typically look like for you? (4) level 8 benefit is a waste. This ability does not stack with the mirror image spell. Thanks for the advice! It is less vague then illusion spells. You have 2 turns to move your double and SW around while you position yourself. Trickery has nice options if you want to make a sneaky sorc. 19. The class that makes the build work is Cleric of the Forge from Xanathar's Guide, it allows the Cleric to bless a piece of armor, giving it +1 extra AC. You can use this attack a number of times equal to your WIS modifier and it is regained on a short or long rest. Agree that the spell list is where the power is, but I still think it's super poorly designed. You regain all expended Spell Slots when you finish a Long Rest. Trickery Cleric: I’m a big fan of Charm and Illusory magic which the Trickery Cleric gets in spades. They're patrons of thieves, scoundrels, gamblers, rebels, and liberators. How do you use Invoke Duplicity? Which is unfortunate because trickery cleric needs their bonus action to use their duplicate effectively. As a person genuinely interested in dnd as a first time player (as a 40yr old nerd) i see this as maybe my choice for first toon. All post 11 monk features to me (while good) don't scream "ninja" to me like those trickery features. Dominate Person (Treantmonk hates this spell since its single target save or suck) and Modify Memory (Average and in combat target gets advantage so more for utility) weren't actually mentioned. I do think polymorph fits trickery domain. These spells can scale well. Cleric: Have you ever heard of the Trickery Domain? Trickery Cleric for Duplicity, spells and healing(?). TACTICS. Cleric Spells 0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons). 1. The subclass feats are what make you feel special and unique, and in 5e that's a REALLY rare resource with so little customization inherent to the game. Clerics are really fun and powerful. The bigger problem is Invoke Duplicity has three catches to it: concentration, 1 minute duration (most illusions are 10 minutes) and an action. The good news is that they both share a stat dependency in Wisdom. It was pretty disingenuous when there is the Life and Tempest cleric that have impressive and combat changing features. Again, like with the blessing, it feels like it was designed with rogue multiclass in mind. Cleric: Trickery Domain Gods of trickery – such as Tymora, Beshaba, Olidammara, the Traveler, Garl Glittergold, and Loki – are mischief-makers and instigators who stand as a constant challenge to the accepted order among both gods and mortals. Why not give it Minor Illusion at 1st level? Making it a bonus action, allows it to be more useful in shorter fights where you're are just trying to avoid damage and end the encounter. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Silent Speech so I never need to leave Wildshape. 2 If using Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Faction Agent or Urban Bounty Hunter offer Deception as a proficiency or you can make a custom background per PHB p. 127. 10 Attack High AB Kama Monk, Cleric(26), Champion of Torm(8), Monk(6) Race:Human Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral STR: 12 DEX: 15 (30) CON: 12 WIS: 16 (20) INT: 12 CHA: 8 01: Cleric(1): Blind Fight, Extend Spell, Domain Trickery, Domain War 02: Monk(1): M: (Cleave, Evasion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist) 03: Cleric(2): Weapon Finesse I definitely plan on getting to monk 6/cleric 3 and then deciding what to do as I level. I think so, under specific circunstances. They do little damage before level 5 and even at level 8, the accuracy and being stuck in melee could be problematic. I think by now this subreddit knows this guy exists. (5) improved duplicity, at level 17 you definitely have much better uses of concentration. The features arent great but the spells are. As good as pass without trace and dimension door are, they fall off very sharply if someone else can do it. It tries to excuse the problems instead of embracing the problems and arguing for the strength of the subtype despite it's problems. 11. I know that WoTC has done surveys before about our favorite/least favorite classes and races. how can i find other domain? I have half-plate and warcaster to make me AC 19. Characters: Neket, Elf Illusion Wizard; and Darael Smithy, Half Elf Trickery Cleric Darael is playing tricks at Neket as she tries to write a new spell in her spellbook. Name Alignment Domains Aajill : Neutral Evil Nature Abaddon : True Chaotic Chaos, Unpredictability, Creation Ainz Ooal Gown : Chaotic Neutral Death, War Akarushi : Lawful Neutral Light Algamet : Lawful Good Time, Knowledge Altzmyr : Neutral Good Knowledge, Life, Undeath … Cleric: Have you ever heard of the Trickery Domain? Thematically a lot of fun, but you’re more built around confusing enemies than actually … I think so, under specific circunstances. Blink, are situational. As proof how of vague the ability is, in our games, we actually use much of the major image's language to fill in the gap. So even if you aren't going to use it in combat, there would be other times you could consider using it. Never done a Shadow Monk/Trickery Cleric crossover. When you do so, choose a number … The save DC to disbelieve this effect is equal to 10 + 1/2 your cleric level + your Wisdom modifier. Also divine strike only works on attack and poison damage isnt great. It’s worth a 2 level dip, trust me. I've thought about playing a Cleric of Loki and Trickery would be amazing, but then I think... well why not just play an Illusionist Wizard with the Acolyte Background? Spirit Guardians from the duplicate, while you hide in the back. You can't cast it before Spiritual Weapon unless you have Warcaster or give up your shield, because Shillelagh ends when you let go of the weapon and you need a free hand for Spiritual Weapon. You can even find use … 3 sources of damage every round. A place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons and Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next. He also compares the very bad cleric features to one of the weakest cleric subclasses as far as having decent features. You want at least level 6 in shadow monk for shadow step. The divine strike: worst damage type and requires using weapon attacks the new 5e we! 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