Kenya is a land of great diversity in its people and cultures. Drought and attendant famine are recurring features of life, surviving which is the key to understanding Plains Nilotic cultures. 2. After the arrival and several years of settlement by the Cushitic speakers, another group, probably in search of pastures, arrived through the Uganda— Sudan—Ethiopian border region around 2000 years ago. There were slight variations in the social organizations of the various Nilotic groups in Kenya. Kenya (1919 1963) Kenya In The 19th Century KENYA POLICE Kenya Pre-Independence Kenya Up To The 19th Cent. They also kept livestock such as cattle, sheep and goats. Mostly because of endless cycles of cattle rustling. The three main language groups in Eastern Africa are Bantus Cushites Nilotes Drought and famine that broke out in their cradleland. Kenya is a land of great diversity in its people and cultures. The Great Migration into Kenya: Reasons for the Migration of the Nilotes into Kenya. Cattle also assume ritual importance, being dedicated and sacrificed to ancestors or spirits. Plain nilotes dominated western and northern Kenya, while river lake Nilotes were pastoralists living near lake Turkana, where they also did a lot of fishing. Their arrival caused the displacement of many Bantu-speaking peoples, notably the Gusii, Kuria and Luhya, who were forced into the highlands east and north of the lake. Most Nilotes in Kenya are historically pastoralists, and traditionally had a strong military hegemony. If one word alone was to be used to describe the paramount concern of all these peoples, it would be cattle. They occupy the vast sweep of western Kenya's Rift Valley, which skirts the border of Uganda from Sudan in the north to Tanzania in the south. They are giving Tullow oil explorers ultimatum and blocking roads to stall tanks. They inhabit South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, DR Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania. The entire Nilotic homeland From South Sudan to Northern Uganda and Eastward into Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia is an unofficial war zone. The Nilotes occupied portions of what is now Kenya while another group, the Tatoga settled in northern Tanzania. They originated from the South-western fringe of the Ethiopian highlands. land and cattle, It led to the assimilation of some communities they encountered e.g. The Plain Nilotes include the Maasai, Teso, Samburu and Turkana. Bantus found in Kenya ,Uganda and Tanzania. Prolonged seasons of drought and the drying of a water reservoir which might have forced them to move in search of water. Nonetheless, even these people retain an almost mystical view of cattle, which for most Nilotes provide them with almost all their daily needs. 8.The Western Bantus in Kenya include: 9.The nilotes are divided into. Nilotes are mainly found in the Southern half of Sudan, Northern Uganda, the lake regions of Kenya and Tanzania. As their name suggests, the Nilotes came originally from the Nile Valley, probably the Upper Nile and its tributaries in southern Sudan. Social organization. Increase in population. From there, the Pokot moved north, whilst the various proto-Kalenjin tribes spread out east and south. In Kenya, they are the second largest language group The Pokot are sometimes also classed as Kalenjin, but this seems to be purely academic: the Pokot themselves have their own distinctive and strong identity, with little affinity to (or love for) their Kalenjin neighbours, and so I have covered them separately in this website. These are the southern Nilotic speakers. The most prominent Nilotic ethnic groups live in South Sudan, N Uganda, and N Kenya. Their original point of entry in Kenya is thought to have been somewhere in the region of Mount Elgon, on the western border with Uganda. This is indicative of their deeply-ingrained conservatism, which has helped them survive the sweeping changes of the twentieth almost intact: as a result, they are now among the most famous tribes in Africa: Maasai, Samburu and Turkana. The Kalenjin languages in Kenya are a group of twelve related Southern Nilotic languages spoken in Kenya, eastern Uganda and northern Tanzania. Internal conflicts are given as a probable cause for their migration. Adoption of economic practices from each other. Kenya switched to a maritime-based economy w… 1.A language group is a group of people who speak almost the same language. Arab traders became frequent visitors by the 1st century AD. This now seems to be changing, thanks to the Kenya Wildlife Service, who have finally realised that cattle herds were in fact an integral part of the ecosystem they are charged to protect. Farmers and herders, they became primarily pastoralists in their new lands. The external pressure from stronger neighbours. Social organization. They are comprised of three distinct groups: the River Lake Nilotes; the Luo, who live along Lake Victoria and practice fishing; and the plain Nilotes, who include the Maasai, Samburu, and Turkana people. Search for fertile areas that could support agriculture. There were slight variations in the social organizations of the various Nilotic groups in Kenya. An … Given the importance of livestock, it is no surprise that many Nilotic tribes (including the now agricultural Luo) have an almost sacred view of them, for they also govern people's daily routines and society. Where did the Plain Nilotes migrate from before settling in Kenya Log in, Tribes in Kenya 2020: List of Tribes in Kenya, The population of Tribes in Kenya, Bantus, Nilotes, Cushites and The Great Migration into Kenya, Geography of Kenya: Geographical Location of Kenya, Kenya Africa – Where is Kenya Located in Africa, Senators in Kenya – List of All Senators in Kenya, Qualifications to be a Senator in Kenya. Originally cattle-herders, they are believed to have converted to an agricultural and fishing lifestyle when they arrived in Kenya some five hundred years ago. The Nilotes are groups of people whose origin is associated with river Nile and who have similarities in the languages they speak. Because rainfall is erratic, especially towards the north, the Plains Nilotes - in common with pastoralists all around the world - have communal rather than individual rights to pasture and wells, whose use is governed by intricate rotational systems and cyclical calendars. During their settlement in the Mt Elgon area, people who are today known as the Kalenjin called themselves Miot, Mmyoot or Mnyoot. Group influence, i.e. The origin of these groups is associated with the Nile River. In Kenya, Nilotic-speaking tribes comprise the Luo, Maasai, Pokot, Samburu, Turkana, and many of the subgroups which constitute the Kalenjin. There are three main language groups in Kenya from which the tribes can be divided, These are the Bantus, Nilotes and Cushites, it is from these three ethnic groups that we have the 42 tribes which make up the Kenyan population. The biggest six tribes comprises about half the Kenya population and hence there is a higher influence to Kenyan culture from the people of these big tribes. Some were forced south towards Tanzania to avoid the Nilotic advance down the Rift Valley, whilst others headed east and northeast into arid lands which were of no interest to the cattle-herding Nilotes. i.e family quarrels or clan feuds. Examples of Nilotes in KenyaIn Kenya they are divided into three main groups: (a) The Highland Nilotes (b) Plain Nilotes and (c) River-Lake Nilotes (a) The Highland Nilotes are also referred to as the Kalenjin speakers -for example, the Nandi and the Kipsigis and Pokot (found in the Rift Valley). Nilotes. In Kenya, they number roughly one quarter of the total population. The Samburu (Sampur) speak the Maa language spoken by the Maasai in southern One group of Nilotes, the ancestors of the Kalenjin, moved from the west of Lake Turkana (Lake Rudolf) south to the Eldoret area of Kenya. Those that remained in the path of the newcomers were either militarily defeated or culturally assimilated, eventually disappearing completely (there are one or two numerically small exceptions, such as the Njemps fishermen who live by Lake Baringo, and some hunter-gatherer groups such as the forest-dwelling Okiek, who have survived as 'clients' of their much more powerful neighbours: the Samburu and Maasai respectively). They are giving Tullow oil explorers ultimatum and blocking roads to stall tanks. The Turkana inhabit the arid territories of northern Kenya, on the boundary with Sudan. The land is assumed to have been small for their growing numbers forcing them to search for bigger areas for settlement. a_____ b_____ c_____ 6 ANSWERS. Mostly because of endless cycles of cattle rustling. The Nilotes … External conflicts and pressure from the neighbors especially the Cushites. Among these are the Burun speaking peoples, Karo peoples, Luo peoples, Ateker peoples, Kalenjin peoples, Datooga, Dinka, Nuer, Atwot, Lotuko and the Maa-speaking peoples.. Nilotes. What is the other name for the Highland Nilotes? They speak Nilo-Saharan languages and came to Southeast Africa by way of South Sudan. They occupy the vast sweep of western Kenya’s Rift Valley, which skirts the border of Uganda from Sudan in the north, to Tanzania in the south. They are divided into three groups; a) River-lake nilotes- the Luo. Between 3000 to 5000 years back the Cushitic speakers were among the very first people who arrived in Kenya, through Turkana and Abaya. land and cattle, It led to the assimilation of some communities they encountered e.g. Bantu is the largest division making up about 70% of Kenya’s … The Bantu groups also learnt about cattle keeping from the nilotes and Cushitic who were the main keeps of livestock in the past. Nilotes are divided into three sub-groups; The River Lake Nilotes Originally from E Sudan, they migrated south centuries ago. The Nilotic peoples are peoples indigenous to the Nile Valley who speak Nilotic languages.They inhabit South Sudan, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, DR Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania. These are the second largest group after the Bantu. Generally also classed as Plains Nilotes are a few numerically small groups who are remnants of either the Cushitic or hunter-gatherer cultures that existed in the region before the Nilotes arrived. The last group was Bantu. Its climate is classified as tropical monsoon with wide topographic-induced variation. We have about 42 tribes in Kenya with different languages and cultures that all merge to become the unique mix of Kenyan culture. Maasai Samburu Like the Maasai, both the Samburu and Turkana also keep cattle, although the Samburu have increasingly been experimenting with cultivation, and the Turkana also keep camels. Nonetheless, individual clans and groups tend to hold precedence over particular areas. Among these are the Burun speaking peoples, Karo peoples, Luo peoples, Ateker peoples, Kalenjin peoples, Datooga, Dinka, Nuer, Atwot, Lotuko and the Maa-speaking peoples. The Nilotes are the second largest ethnic group in Kenya and can be divided into three groups; The River Lake Nilotes, the Luo, who live along Lake Victoria and primarily fish. (2008) examined the maternal ancestry of various Nilotic populations in Kenya, with Turkana, Samburu, Maasai and Luo individuals sampled. Another group of Nilotes occupied parts of northwest Kenya. Kenya is a land of great diversity in its people and cultures. Before the arrival of the British at the end of the nineteenth century, they covered a much larger area, but 80% of their grazing lands were stolen by the colonists to make farms, estates and game reserves, of which both Maasai Mara and Amboseli are legendary. The entire Nilotic homeland From South Sudan to Northern Uganda and Eastward into Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia is an unofficial war zone. Group influence, i.e. simply because they saw others moving. Most now speak dialects of ol-Maa (the root language of the Maasai and Samburu), and have acquired many cultural traits from their more powerful neighbours, whom they often serve as 'clients'. Relations between the Maasai and Samburu are generally close and amicable, whereas relations between the Samburu and Turkana have often been bitter: disputes over grazing rights are bloody, especially as the Turkana have progressively crowded out the Samburu from their former lands south of Lake Turkana. Today, most river lake Nilotes are pastoralists. This second wave of Nilotic peoples catalyzed a period of great change in Kenya, as it displaced many of its original Cushitic-speaking inhabitants. The Nilotes are traditionally cattle-herders, although some groups -notably the Luo and some Pokot of Kenya, and the Anuak of Sudan - have converted to agricultural ways of life. Today, descendants of these people are three-fourths of Kenya’s population. Highland (Southern) Nilotes: the Kalenjin and Pokot. The earliest group of Nilotes to reach Kenya were most likely the ancestors of the various tribes which nowadays make up the Kalenjin, as well as the Pokot. Since the 1994 genocide in Rwanda the international community has seen Tutsi as victims and Hutu as aggressors but even in the genocide of Rwanda some information is surfacing as to who did what to whom, calling for further investigations. Another group, ancestors of the Luo moved west our of Kenya towards the Nile River. It has typically been friendly to foreign powers, including the Chinese Ming Dynasty and the Portuguese. Originally cattle-herders, they are believed to have converted to an agricultural and fishing lifestyle when they arrived in Kenya some five hundred years ago. Cattle are not slaughtered indiscriminately for meat; they are paid in compensation and bridewealth, and their ownership determines status and wealth. The Nilotic groups today in Kenya include the Luo (river and lake Nilotes), Samburu, Maasai and Turkana (plain Nilotes) and the highland Nilotes, including the Nandi, Tugen, and Kipsigis. Nilotic-speaking people, they have for a long time stayed outside of the influence of the main foreign trends. Nilotes in Kenya The Nilotic groups today in Kenya include the Luo (river and Lake Nilotes), Samburu, Maasai and Turkana (plain Nilotes) and the highland Nilotes, including the Nandi, Tugen, and Kipsigis. Kenyan Nilotes reside in the broad Rift Valley region of Kenya, around Lake Victoria. Before the arrival of the British at the end of the nineteenth century, they covered a much larger area, but 80% of their grazing lands were stolen by the colonists to make farms, estates and game reserves, of which both Maasai Mara and Amboseli are legendary. The Turkana in Northern Kenya and Southern Sudan are not any calmer. Nilotes are believed to have originated from the Nile Valley. Answers (1) Where did the Plain Nilotes migrate from before settling in Kenya (Solved). An … The Great Migration into Kenya – Nilotes in Kenya. Among these are the Nuer and the Masai. The Samburu, who are believed to have split from the Maasai a few centuries ago, occupy the more central region northwest of Mount Kenya, while their Turkana neighbours live in the more arid northwest of Kenya, bordering Sudan and Uganda. The tallest, darkest and thinnest humans on Earth? Epidemic diseases like smallpox, malaria, river blindness, and nagana may have hit their area due to overcrowding, forcing some to look for new disease-free areas. When pasture and water became scarce, the pastoralists fall back on the more humid hill and mountainous areas, though many of these areas have now been converted to national parks, where access was for a long time forbidden. It is also believed that the Cushites eventually found other groups of people who have different language patterns. Mobility and flexibility are essential if the little rain that does fall is to be fully exploited. Among these are the Nuer and the Masai. "Turkana mother and baby with a donkey - Kenya. An mtDNA study by Castri et al. The main thing that differentiates the Plains Nilotes of the Rift Valley from their Luo, Pokot and Kalenjin cousins is their total reliance on pastoralism, as well as their taboos against agriculture, hunting and the eating of wildlife or fish. The Nilotic peoples are peoples indigenous to the Nile Valley who speak Nilotic languages. The second major ethno-linguistic group to arrive in Kenya (the first were the Cushites) were the cattle-herding Nilotes, the first of whom came some time around 500 BC. For more about the importance of cattle, see the sections about livestock for both the Turkana and Maasai. The Nilotic languages are divided into two groups: the northwestern and southeastern Nilotic languages In Africa. The Luo ethnic group in Ethiopia are about 45,646 of the total population. The Luo in Ethiopia are known as Anuak as well, a… Since the 1994 genocide in Rwanda the international community has seen Tutsi as victims and Hutu as aggressors but even in the genocide of Rwanda some information is surfacing as to who did what to whom, calling for further investigations. Nilotes are the second-largest group of peoples in Kenya. By the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, they had reached Tanzania, where their advance was finally stopped by the Wagogo and others. Population increase which resulted into population pressure in their cradle land. Due to Kenya’s location near the Arabian Peninsula, Persian and Arab settlement began near the coast in the 8th century. The Bantu groups also learnt about cattle keeping from the nilotes … 7.list any two. It has been an important Swahili settlement since the 14th century. Their main direction of movement was southwards along the plains of the Rift Valley, which favoured both their cattle-raising lifestyle, as well as their rapid, all-conquering advance. The second largest group in Kenya. The Luo of Ethiopia: Ethiopia is located in Eastern Africa, west of Somalia, at between 8 00 N, 38 00 E coordinates. The Plain Nilotes entered Kenya at around AD 1000 from an area north of Lake Turkana. There are three major ethno-linguistic groups which are named Nilotic, Bantu and Cushitic. They encompass two linguistic families the Bantu and the Nilotic. Almost all of the tested Nilotes belonged to various Sub-Saharan macro-haplogroup L sub-clades, including L0, L2, L3, L4 and L5. Included among the Kalenjin are the Cherangani, Kipsigis, Marakwet, Nandi, Sabaot and Tugen. For this, cattle are crucial, for they can easily be herded from one fresh pasture to another. Ethiopia is about 1,127,127 sq km, with a population of 73,053,286. The Western Nilotes are represented in Kenya by the Luo, who live along the shores of Lake Victoria. Kenya is a land of great diversity in its people and cultures. Among Kenyan coastal cities is Malindi. They practice both pastoralism (on plains and plateaux) and cultivation (on hillsides), and unlike the Plains Nilotes have no taboos about hunting, fishing or food gathering. Nilot, plural Nilotes, any member of several east-central African peoples living in South Sudan, northern Uganda, and western Kenya. All Nilotic languages are tonal and … They have traditionally practiced nomadic pastoralism. The Ndorobo, for instance, are still in demand for their skill in circumcision, as well as for their knowledge of medicines. Group influence, i.e. The name refers to the area in which they live, mostly the region of the upper Nile and its tributaries, and to a linguistic unity that distinguishes them from their neighbours who have similar physical characteristics and culture . For instance in the old days Bantus were practicing cultivation of crops and they passed this practice to communities such as the nilotes during migratory interactions. Cattle are also the primary means of exchange, and are used in the payment of fines, to seal friendships, and to bridewealth (or dowries, from the groom or his family to the family of the bride). The cattle-herding Maasai are the southernmost of the Plains Nilotes, whose territory straddles the southern border with Tanzania. Nomad shepherds adapted to a almost totally desert area, some also fish in the Turkana lake. The Nilotic speakers and their groups in Kenya: Nilotes is a term originating from the word Nile. The communities’ in Nyanza and Western Kenya situated to the east of Lake Victoria have come from various directions to their present day settlements. However, Nilotic migrations only became substantial some five hundred years ago, with the arrival of the highly organised and militaristic Luo from the west and the Maasai/Samburu from the north. Date posted: March 10, 2017. Later around the 14th century they began to move east and south back into Kenya. Nilotes (nīlō`tēz), people of E Africa who speak Nilotic languages. The Plain Nilotes. There are also Nilotic-speaking peoples in northern Uganda (Acholi), southern Sudan (most famously the Nuer and Dinka), and norther Tanzania (Maasai). The Western Nilotes are represented in Kenya by the Luo, who live along the shores of Lake Victoria. These communities came from different directions but interacted with each other and borrowed extensively from each other. Their economy focused on agriculture and cultivation of crops like sorghum and millet. Search for pasture and water for their animals. Some groups of Ndorobo (former hunter-gatherer people) are sometimes also included, as are the Elgeyo. The Turkana in Northern Kenya and Southern Sudan are not any calmer. The Bantu groups also learnt about cattle keeping from the nilotes … This is why they are referred to as Nilotic speakers. The second largest group in Kenya. Among these are the Nuer and the Masai. Anthropologists divide the Nilotes into three main groups: the Highland or Southern Nilotes, who comprise the Kalenjin tribal group and the Pokot; the Lake or Western Nilotes, who include the Luo and Acholi; and the Plains or Eastern Nilotes, who are exclusively nomadic herders. Before the arrival of the British at the end of the nineteenth century, they covered a much larger area, but 80% of their grazing lands were stolen by the colonists to make farms, estates and game reserves, of which both Maasai Mara and Amboseli are legendary. The Nilotes in Kenya were primarily the Kalenjin, Turkana, Luo, and Maasi. Why they moved into Kenya. Who are the Nilotic Peoples? (Solved) What is the other name for the Highland Nilotes? Increase in population. Bantu and Nilotic-speaking people moved into the area in the first millennium AD. Nilotic tribes in Kenya today comprise the Luo, Maasai, Pokot, Samburu, Turkana, and many of the subgroups which constitute the Kalenjin. Incidentally, the Kalenjin as a unified group only came into existence in the twentieth century: before then, its constituent tribes - although related and sharing many similar cultural aspects - had lived separately. Kenyan Plain Nilotes include the Maasai, Samburu, and Turkana, Teso, Njemps, Nubi – and have traditionally practiced nomadic pastoralism. Tribes in Kenya. These include the El Molo, Iteso, Njemps (Il Chamus) and Ndorobo, which is a Maasai term for various indigenous hunter-gatherer groups, such as the Okiek. During the wet seasons, the pastoralists keep their animals on the arid and semi-arid lowlands of their country. Considered by all to be either a gift or a loan from God, cattle provide almost all of the pastoralists daily needs, from food (in the form of milk and blood, and rarely meat), clothing, material for ropes and containers, and dung for fuel. Cushitic-speaking people moved into the area from northern Africa around 2,000 BCE. 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